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作者: 口述:Charm &W 撰稿整理:Rita:    人气: 11141    日期: 2020/4/11

第一部分 新冠肺炎如此近

对于在新西兰的Charm来讲,农历庚子年的除夕,显得惊心动魄—— 中国国内家人除夕夜肺炎急送ICU,家人在医院铤而走险,武汉撤侨的新西兰同学留守武汉医院当义工,家人被迫迁移因住宿楼宇邻居感染登上新闻,亲人肺部检出阴影逃离医院自我隔离度日如年......这一切一切,使她对新冠肺炎有了切肤之痛和更深更直接认识。



第二部分 第一阶段——促成“14隔离政策





第三部分 第二阶段——照顾身边人


228日,一位近期从伊朗回新西兰的人确诊新冠肺炎,成为新西兰的一号病例。34日,一位从意大利回来的人确诊,列为第二号病例,其子女分别在Westlake 男子中学和Westlake 女子中学。35日,三号病例,一位奥克兰本地人确诊,而该病患子女分别在奥克兰文法学校和Ormiston 初中。此案例本人近期并无海外旅行史,然其家人近期从伊朗返回新西兰。


Ormiston 中学就在Charm工作的幼教机构附近,两个教育机构有很多共同的家长,Charm很清楚在35号下午一点公布与Ormiston初中有关的确诊病例两个小时后,就会有很多家长接了中学的孩子,然后涌到幼儿园来接孩子!他们毫无防护,既不能保护自己,也不能保护幼儿园的孩子和工作人员!心急如焚的Charm赶紧通知幼儿园负责人,告诉她Ormiston中学出事了,我们必须采取措施!“ 然而她的行动得到否定批评,定性是违反纪律,得到的是所有的不理解,学校无人支持她,都认为她是反应过度。


牧师Tony Bracefield被深深震撼打动,说:“I can feel your pain. I can feel your passion. I can feel your love! You should serve the community.” 总经理奖励了她一周的带薪假期,来帮助社区。 


第四部分 第三阶段——众志成城,与政府积极互动






Charm知道这一刻责无旁贷,有一个声音深切呼唤着她,这一刻该是挺身而出的时刻。以在互助群帮助隔离阶段经验,Charm决定把熟悉人才尽快拉起一个智囊团去完成这个任务,首先她请求教会的同声翻译帮忙,一个渊博有才深懂中西文化的编程专家W, 还有擅长调研的Yali, 以及家长代表聚集在一起组起了一个核心工作团队,负责技术性的调研、撰写公开信等工作;家长积极代表Anna负责启动三个家长微信群,由超过千位来自近百家学校的家长代表组成。












更糟糕的是,Ormiston 初中的学生,还有兄弟姐妹在附近的其它中学、小学和幼儿园,这造成OrmistonFlatbush整个片区都成为高风险的区域。奥克兰文法中学的情况类似。







信写好以后,需要找到合适的通路递交给正确的部门。于是Charm召集了执政党工党国会议员霍建强先生,国家党国会议员杨健先生、以及奥克兰市议员Paul Young先生,为了保护孩子,三位议员同心合一,进行直接沟通。





To: Auckland Regional Public Health Service, 

CC: Ormiston Junior College, Auckland Grammar School, Ministry of Health, 

Ministry of Education 

Thank you for your letter to parents and caregivers of Ormiston Junior College (OJC) 

and Auckland Grammar School (AGS), dated 05/03/2020 after the father of two 

students confirmed to be infected with Coronavirus. 

On 07/03/2020, we were once again shocked to hear the sad news that the other parent 

of the two students had been found to have contracted the virus. As fellow parents and 

caregivers our hearts have sunken to the deepest end. We can't imagine how dreadful 

this is for the family with two virus-carrying parents residing in isolation with one 

another at the same address. The two students must be stressed beyond 

comprehension and it must be difficult for them to manage going about with their 

daily life! 

Your letter stated that the students are completedly well and they have no symptoms, 

you also categorically ruled out the possibility of any other students at both schools 

being at risk of contracting the virus. 

According to World Health Organisation (WHO) operational procedures and related 

publications; it is firstly possible for a person to be with the virus but exhibits no 

symptoms. Secondly, even though the virus spreads mainly through symptomatic 

contacts, the WHO also recognises that it could still happen when a person carrying 

the virus does not have symptoms. WHO is still gathering data on this but they are 

currently giving this type of spread a low rating, not a zero rating. 


Our primary concerns are if the students have not been properly tested for virus, then 

there is a possibility that he/she could have been infected by the sick parents. The fact 

that he/she showed no symptoms doesn't rule it out according to the above WHO 

findings. If this was the case, all classmates, some teachers, sport/art teams and any 

other people who had been in close contact with the students have now become 'close 

contact' persons who should be required to self-isolate. 

This measure has not currently been put in place which we feel is inadequate and very 

much unsafe! 

To make things worse, a considerable portion of OJC students have siblings attending 

senior college/primary school/childcare centres in Ormiston/Flatbush area. The above 

scenario will unfortunately be applicable to those educational facilities as well. AGS 

parents are also facing the same challenge. 

We do understand that without symptoms the spreading of the virus will be low, but 

how low is low? Let's establish a hypothetical case as follows: say the chance is as 

low as 1%, then a school of say 500 students could potentially develop 5 cases of contracting the virus. This is an alarming number where even if it becomes 1 case, it 

would be 1 case too many. 

We do not have peace of mind if the students in question aren't tested for COVID-19 

and the test results publicly notified. With the new development announced on 

07/03/2020, given that both parents are carrying the virus, the following questions 

need to be answered urgently: 

1). How is the home based treatment for the parents provided? How is cooking and 

hygiene facilities managed? We know that the virus spreads within close contact. 

There are multiple overseas cases where cross contamination occurred within 

households when confined in space of a house and every person in the unit eventually 

contracted the virus. A few households even perished all together leaving the entire 

family with no survivors. 

2). Assuming the children have not been infected and are still well, we are happy for 

them and wish them continue to stay well. However, how is their daily life managed? 

We can imagine many logistical challenges, who looks after them? Who does the 

shopping? Disposal of rubbish? Application of disinfectant? etc. We are concerned 

the risk of cross contamination to be present if not managed appropriately. 

3). Allow us to ask the important question, have the children been tested for the virus? 

If not, why not? Given the current scenario, this should be the top priority in our view 

especially when both parents are now sick while the entire family lived in the same 

house for a considerable amount of time already. We believe parents and students of 

both schools have the right to know the outcomes of these tests as it is very possible 

for them to have been infected before they went home for isolation, their mother’s 

case proves this is a real possibility. 

4). If any one of the two children were to test positive, it should be publicly notified. 

This would indeed be a public health threat where common practices found overseas 

are usually the immediate, temporary closure of the affected schools. 

Sydney's Epping boys high school shut down after student tests positive for 


Bucks County testing comes back negative after coronavirus exposure from out-of

state guest 

We are sure there are more questions than the aforementioned in many parent’s head 

but we ask to just focus on the main issues for the time being. 

We, as a very large group strongly urge both the Ministry of Health and Ministry of 

Education to take swift action to implement more stringent and specific measures to 

prevent infection and control to better protect students, teachers, staff members, 

parents and the local community. 

Yours FaithfullyThousands of concerned parents & caregivers from the following schools, ethnicity backgrounds include but not limited to Chinese, European, Maori, Korean, Indian, Filipino, Japanese, Malaysian, Singaporean, Islanders group, etc. 

Ormiston Junior College, 

Auckland Grammar School, 

Westlake Boys School, 

Westlake Girls School, 

Mellons Bay Primary, 

Westlake Girls School, 

Kiwi Suppertot, 

Baverstock Oaks School, 

Longbay College, 

Pointview School, 

Baverstock Oaks School, 

Meadowbank School, 

St Cuthbert's College, 

Ormiston Primary, 

ACG Parnell College, 

Mission heights Primary School, 

Macleans College, 

Manurewa Central School, 

Ormiston Rowena OJC&OPS, 

Rangitoto College, 

Campbells Bay School, 

Bayview Primary, 

Botany Downs Primary, 

Mairangi Bay School, 

Mission Heights Primary School, 


Cockle Bay School, 

Tririmoana School, 

Howick Primary School, 

Highland Park kindergarten, 

Bucklands Beach Primary, 

Alfriston School, 

Papatoetoe Intermediate, 

Pigeon Mountain Primary, 

Kristin School, 

Santa Maria Primary, 

St Kentigern College, 

Bear Park, 

Mission Heights Primary, 

Active Explorers Blockhouse Bay, 

Pakuranga Intermediate, 

Somerville Intermediate School, 


Willowbank Primary School, 

Newmarket primary, 

Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Sunnyhills Primary School, 

St. Peter’s College, 

Mt Roskill Primary, 

Saint kentigern School, 

Cornwall Park District School, 

Elm Park School, 

Oteha Valley School, 

Nurture Daycare Centre Beachlands, 

Windy Ridge School, 

Bucklands Beach Intermediate, 

Murrays Bay Primary, 

Farm Cove Intermediate, 

Massey Primary School, 

Redhills Community Kindy, 

Sancta Maria College, 

Wakaaranga School, 

Botany Downs Secondary College, 

Pakuranga College


















To: Auckland Regional Public Health Service,

CC: Ormiston Junior College, Auckland Grammar School, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education

Thank you for your response to our open letter dated 08-03-2020! We are very glad to know that the children are well. Based on the test conditions defined by Ministry of Health, given that the children do not have any symptoms are we correct in saying that the children have not been tested for the virus? We voiced our concerns in our letter and emphasized the risks of not doing the tests on the children, the possibility of asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 as a new virus is still being researched on, no one can completely rule out such risks. It has been reported that under some circumstance infections were found to have been caused by people with no symptoms. To ensure the safety of everyone in schools, we once again strongly urge for tests to be carried out on these children and the public are informed of the test results. If any of these children tested positive the respective schools will have to be immediately closed down temporarily and close contacts of the children must be traced and tested as well.

In response to your letter, we wish to voice two main concerns, as follows.

Firstly, with regards to the statement which says “COVID-19 spreads less efficiently than influenza”, we could not find any specific mentioning of this in the Joint WHO-China Report. According to Mr. Zhong Nan Shan, China's most authoritative expert researcher on respiratory diseases, this new Coronavirus is many times more contagious than the conventional flu, evidently the effects of the fast and sustained transmission have been seen in South Korea, Italy,  and other countries.

Secondly, according to Joint WHO-China Report, children under the age of 19 only account for 2.4% of total confirmed cases of the virus, we believe this figure has been coincidentally distorted by an important fact, when the outbreak occurred in China, it coincided with school winter holidays nationwide, all school children were on holiday and mass gathering in schools were not possible, this effectively served as self-isolation for all school children, which greatly reduced the risk of virus transitions within the age group. We believe it is a mistake to simply rely on the numbers reported in China without taking into account this factor, it is in our view that to conclude that school children are more immune to COVID-19 virus is a risky assumption. Even though the situation in China has improved in great measure they are still taking schools seriously, all kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and universities are still remain closed at present.

Finally, we wish to raise the following points regarding the latest updates from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health:

  1. With regards to the statement which says "At this time the vast majority of people in New Zealand have no risk of exposure to the virus that cause COVID-19" 

Our point is: Refer to the Joint WHO-China Report, on page 20, “For countries with imported cases and/or outbreaks of COVID-19 1. Immediately activate the highest level of national Response Management protocols to ensure the all-of-government and all-of-society approach needed to contain COVID-19 with non-pharmaceutical public health measures”

On the 12th of March, the WHO have declared COVID-19 a pandemic, which in our view it warrants the implementation of the above level of response.

  1. "New Zealand currently has very few cases of Covid-19 and no evidence of sustained person-to-person transmission in our communities". 

Our point is: Up until 12th March total number of tests carried out in NZ is only 300, 5 confirmed cases has been found so far. In comparison to other countries where much larger  number of tests were performed on wider range of patients, we think to use a small sample of only 300 tests to evaluate the risks of community outbreak is risky.

  1. "Spread happens through coughing and sneezing by someone confirmed with Covid-19-similar To the way that influenza spreads". 

Our point is: It is documented by WHO that besides spreading through droplets the virus can also transmit through surface contactsonce infected the virus can stay alive on some surfaces for varying amount of time, from a few hours to a few days (Refer "How Does Covid-19 spread?" https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses). Research carried out in China and real examples studied there have concluded that, fecal-oral transmissions and aerosol transmissions are other ways the virus can spread. 

Countries including China, Korea etc applied effective infection control by disinfecting bathrooms, toilets, schools, office buildings, train stations subway stations, and almost all shared community space. We believe that besides educating our children to wash their hands regularly, we wish to ask for all classrooms and public areas in schools to be actively disinfected.

Yours Faithfully

Thousands of concerned parents & caregivers from the following schools, ethnicity backgrounds include but not limited to Chinese, European, Maori, Korean, Indian, Filipino, Japanese, Malaysian, Singaporean, Islanders group, etc.

Ormiston Junior College, 

Auckland Grammar School, 

Westlake Boys School, 

Westlake Girls School, 

Mellons Bay Primary,

Westlake Girls School,

Kiwi Suppertot,

Baverstock Oaks School,

Longbay College,

Pointview School,

Baverstock Oaks School,

Meadowbank School,

St Cuthbert's College,

Ormiston Primary,

ACG Parnell College,

Mission heights Primary School,

Macleans College,

Manurewa Central School,

Ormiston Rowena OJC&OPS,

Rangitoto College,

Campbells Bay School,

Bayview Primary,

Botany Downs Primary,

Mairangi Bay School,

Mission Heights Primary School,


Cockle Bay School, 

Tririmoana School,

Howick Primary School,

Highland Park kindergarten,

Bucklands Beach Primary,

Alfriston School,

Papatoetoe Intermediate,

Pigeon Mountain,

Kristin School,

Santa Maria Primary,

St Kentigern College,

Bear Park, 

Mission Heights Primary,

Darren Active Explorers Blockhouse Bay,

Pakuranga Intermediate,

Somerville Intermediate School,


Willowbank Primary School,

Newmarket primary,

Our Lady Star of the Sea School, 

Sunnyhills Primary School,  

St. Peter’s College,

Mt Roskill Primary,

Saint kentigern School,

Cornwall Park District School,

Elm Park,

Oteha Valley School, 

Nurture Daycare Centre Beachlands,

Windy Ridge School,

Bucklands Beach Intermediate,

Murrays Bay Primary,

Farm Cove Intermediate,

Massey Primary School,

Redhills Community Kindy,

Santa Maria College,

Sunshine Christian Preschool

第四部分 互动终见效果







疫情急迫,很多家长放弃上学,工作组于323日写了另外一封公开信,要求关闭学校,并通过议员交到政府,同时也写给奥克兰市长Phil Goff先生,希望他在取消太平洋文化节等的正确的举措之上,来推动中央也做出调整。当天早上,主流媒体NZ herald也主动联系要求电话采访,同时新西兰教师工会也提出罢工。万众一心,顺势而上,当天下午国家政府终于宣布将警报级别升级到Level 3,并宣布48小时后升级到Level 4,学校关闭。




第五部分 lockdown 继续前行



Lockdown两周后,新西兰出现了拐点,大家都非常欣慰,政府执政党工党中文官方网站对这个团队做出了高度肯定:“ 真正能够起到向政府提出合理化建议的是一些华人家长群和基督教协会群。他们在防疫之初,提出学校要停止大规模的学生集会,以及对已经发生家长感染的学校进行合理隔离。这是一个民主国家公民所起到的作用!

新西兰家长防疫组织任重道远,今天复活节,政府新闻公布新西兰学校或于4月29日重开,家长们再次联合起来,集思广益,寻求更多合理化建议,大家拭目以待,再次通过公开信方式与政府和教育部良性沟通,寻求最佳方案。大家为了同一个目标同心合力:保护孩子学校社区。God defend New Zealand! God bless New Zealand!


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