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   人气:     日期: 2010/10/19

















中國人殘疾藝術團將會在1126日在奧克蘭的The Trust Stadium以及1128日在威靈頓St. James Theatre演出,歡迎大家一起和這些不同凡響的藝術家,和他們共同經歷一場別開生面的心靈之旅。


Uneven beauty enables perfect performance

~~ China Disabled People's Performing Art Troupe


They are special but they are extraordinary.


55 people with different disabilities are going to present their performing arts abilities by singing and dancing. China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe “My Dream” will touch down in New Zealand, bringing two performances in Auckland and Wellington on the 26th and 28th of November respectively.


They have visual impairments, but they depict their imaginary world with graceful dance; they have hearing impairments but they speak their minds with beautiful songs, they are physically disabled but they express their sentiments with elegant movements. China Disabled People's Performing Art Troupe ”My Dream” are making dreams come true for people with disabilities in the form of “ special art”, which have been officially recognized as disabled people’s arts performance since the late 1980s.


Established in 1987 by a group of disable teenagers, “My Dream” made its debut in the first China Art Festival. With society’s strong support, “My Dream” has turned from amateurs performing to a professional special art group, and has travelled to over 40 different countries around the world.


Tai Lihua is the general art director, as well as a dancer of this group. She has had a hearing impairment since she was two years old, and will perform the famous dance “Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva” with twenty one other performers living with the same disability. They sing and dance despite their visual and physical impairments, and they play musical instruments by using their precise hearing abilities.


“My Dream” is not only performing for commercial purposes (in order to be financially independent) but also for charity, such as providing funds for areas affected by the Southeast Asia tsunami disaster in 2004.


From charity events to The Paralympic Games 2004 in Athens, The Troupe presents “My Dreams” with the dreams of people having disabilities.  They also create a special and unique art which delights audiences. It purifies the soul with truth, honesty and virtue, encourages people through strong will and delivers friendship with sincerity.


Physical limitation does not restrict the capabilities of the performers from” My Dream”. Come and join this dream world and make your dreams come true on 26th and 28th of November. More details will be released soon. 



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