Health | Dailymail

Watch people’s backs and necks clicking into place in what viewers call ‘better than porn’ 

Forget pimple-popping – videos of chiropractors' back-cracking are just as satisfying, and clips showing people having their necks twisted back into place are racking up millions of views online.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 6:06 pm(NZT)

Brothers, 12 and 9, with rare 'Benjamin Button disease'

Nathan, now 13, and Bennett, soon to turn 10, both have mandibuloacral dysplasia type B, a rare form of progeria which accelerates aging to such an extent that they have a life expectancy of 13.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 12:58 pm(NZT)

Top scientists claim transfusions of young blood will put an END to sickness in old age

Publishing data in the journal Nature, Dame Linda Partridge, a UCL geneticist, says young blood could allow humans to live a life free of cancer, dementia and heart disease.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 10:19 am(NZT)

The robotic boy that breathes and bleeds: Researchers reveal 'hyper-real' medical doll

Medical students are using a robot boy to better understand how young patients respond to treatment. Called HAL, the realistic robot can cry, bleed, talk and go into anaphylactic shock.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 10:13 am(NZT)

Leftovers make you eat more and exercise less

Researchers at the University of Michigan have found leftovers leave people with the false impression that they 'under-ate' - meaning they then 'reward' themselves.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 8:44 am(NZT)

West Midlands hospital is investigated over 'inadequate care' after 54 patients die

The Russells Hall Hospital in Dudley is under scrutiny after concerns were raised about the A&E department, which has been rated 'inadequate' by healthcare watchdog the Care Quality Commission.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 8:33 am(NZT)

All NHS staff have been told to get the flu vaccine this winter

NHS trusts across the country have been asked to achieve a 'near universal' uptake of the jab among their front-line staff. Staff who refuse will be asked to justify their reasoning.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 5:55 am(NZT)

'Harmless' virus carried by half of adults increases a person's risk of heart disease by a fifth 

Researchers from Brighton and Sussex Medical School found that a person is at risk if they carry the CMV virus, which is a cousin of herpes and spreads via contact or bodily fluids.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 4:36 am(NZT)

The kiss of death: 11-day-old baby nearly died after catching herpes from someone with a cold sore 

Oliver Miller's mother Lucy Kendall, 23, rushed her 11-day-old son to hospital when he started to refuse milk and arch his back in pain. The infant, from Hull, was transferred to the high dependency unit.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 4:29 am(NZT)

Legionnaire's outbreak at Disneyland

Three employees at the park in Anaheim, California, contracted the life-threatening condition in the last year, with two requiring hospital treatment.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 4:13 am(NZT)

Mother-of-two's leg, hip and buttock were devoured after she was pricked by a ROSEBUSH

Julie Broude, 43, from Boston, is a keen gardener and was putting up lights in her backyard when she is thought to have been pricked on the hip by one of her plants last November.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 3:40 am(NZT)

People who don't get enough sleep have TRIPLE the risk of Alzheimer's, study finds

The research team at Johns Hopkins, working with the National Institute of Aging, said their findings are part of a wave of research showing sleep may be more important for our health than we realize.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 3:32 am(NZT)

England should be a 'smoke-free society' by 2030, NHS chief urges

The chief executive of Public Health England, Duncan Selbie, wants all smokers in the country to quit and says it's no longer a lifestyle choice but is an addiction which requires medical treatment.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 3:32 am(NZT)

One in seven NHS operations are cancelled on the DAY of the surgery

Researchers from University College London found that both emergency and planned procedures for everything from heart operations to joint replacements are being cancelled or postponed.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 3:29 am(NZT)

Being obese does NOT slow a man's sperm

EXCLUSIVE Researchers from the University of Benin, Nigeria, found that a man's BMI has no impact on his sperm's speed, size or shape, as well as if it has any abnormalities.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 2:47 am(NZT)

DR MAX THE MIND DOCTOR: A staycation is the only holiday a doctor should prescribe

It’s assumed being on holiday means going away somewhere hot in order to relax, recharge and recuperate.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 2:27 am(NZT)

The people who drink their URINE to lose weight and cure acne

Christo Dabraccio, from Idaho, and Julia Sillaman, from Maryland, claim 'urine therapy' has helped them lose weight and leaves them feeling energised and more connected to nature.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 2:09 am(NZT)

Snacking may cut your lifespan, study finds

The study by the US National Institute on Aging found mice who 'fasted' between meals had later onset of age-related diseases. They believe the findings will translate to humans, too.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 8 Sep 2018 | 1:36 am(NZT)

Superdrug must screen customers for body dysmorphia before providing Botox, NHS boss says

Professor Stephen Powis, the national medical director of NHS England, has said Superdrug must do its part to protect vulnerable people from the potentially risky procedures.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 7 Sep 2018 | 10:30 pm(NZT)

Over fifth of meat in Britain's restaurants and supermarkets contains 'unspecified animal' DNA

The British Food Standards Agency (FSA) found 145 items out of 665 that it sampled in 2017 consisted partly or wholly of unspecified meat, it reported.

Source: Health | Mail Online | 7 Sep 2018 | 7:36 pm(NZT)

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