《新西兰联合报》文扬时评 关于NZ Herald报1月14日某篇报道的声明 - 澳纽网专栏

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关于NZ Herald报1月14日某篇报道的声明

作者: 文扬    人气:     日期: 2011/1/13

关于NZ Herald114日某篇报道的声明


今天早上(114日星期五)的NZ Herald报第二版上的报道Party Meets in Beijing to discuss Botany, 是一篇误导性的报道,其内容与事实严重不符。


针对该报道中的如下文字:“The Herald understands contenders for the party's Botany candidacy include former Labour Party list candidate Stephen Ching, United Chinese Press chief editor Jerry Wen Yang and Auckland businessman Paul Young.” 本人特此声明如下:



2、撰写该报道的记者和NZ Herald报社都没有事先就此事向本人做过任何求证和了解,对于这个涉及本人的误导性新闻陈述,本人保留向NZ Herald以及相关行业组织指控该报道作者违反新闻记者行为准则和职业道德的权利。


4、在此特将新西兰媒体所在的行业组织EPMU所发布的 JOURNALIST CODE OF ETHICS(新闻记者职业道德准则)转贴如下:

Respect for truth and the public's right to information are overriding principles for all journalists.  In pursuance of these principles, journalists commit themselves to ethical and professional standards.  All members of the Union engaged in gathering, transmitting, disseminating and commenting on news and information shall observe the following Code of Ethics in their professional activities:
(a) They shall report and interpret the news with scrupulous honesty by striving to disclose all essential facts and by not suppressing relevant, available facts or distorting by wrong or improper emphasis.
(b) They shall not place unnecessary emphasis on gender, race, sexual preference, religious belief, marital status or physical or mental disability.
(c) In all circumstances they shall respect all confidences received in the course of their occupation.
(d) They shall not allow personal interests to influence them in their professional duties.
(e) They shall not allow their professional duties to be influenced by any consideration, gift or advantage offered and, where appropriate, shall disclose any such offer.
(f) They shall not allow advertising or commercial considerations to influence them in their professional duties.
(g) They shall use fair and honest means to obtain news, pictures, films, tapes and documents.
(h) They shall identify themselves and their employers before obtaining any interview for publication or broadcast.
(i) They shall respect private grief and personal privacy and shall have the right to resist compulsion to intrude on them.
(j) They shall do their utmost to correct any published or broadcast information found to be harmfully inaccurate.
A breach of this Code shall be a breach of the Union's Rules and thus may give rise to disciplinary procedures under the Rules. If a member is dismissed from employment or otherwise disadvantaged by an employer, and a breach of this Code is claimed by the employer as justification for the dismissal or disadvantage, then the Union, following proper and adequate inquiry, and if it is satisfied to a reasonable degree that the employer's actions are justified, may decline to pursue a personal grievance on behalf of the member.


5、本人认为该报道的作者和有关编辑没有做到Respect for truth and the public's right to information,也没有符合该准则中的(a), (g)(j)各条款中的要求,因此实际上已经构成了对该准则的违反。





My Statement on the NZ Herald’s January 14 report Party meets in Beijing to discuss Botany

By Jerry Wen Yang

This morning (Friday, January 14) New Zealand Herald’s news report Party Meets in Beijing to discuss Botany, is a misleading report, its contents seriously inconsistent with the facts.

With regard to the following sentence in the report: "The Herald understands contenders for the party's Botany candidacy include former Labour Party list candidate Stephen Ching, United Chinese Press chief editor Jerry Wen Yang and Auckland businessman Paul Young." I hereby declare as follows:

1, I am not one of the contenders for the New Citizen Party 's Botany candidacy, and I am not currently holding any position in the New Citizen Party.

2, Neither the reporter nor any staff member of NZ Herald has interviewed or confirmed with me about my standing for New Citizen Party in Botany’s by-election prior to the publication of this report, so I reserve all rights to allege the reporter and NZ Herald of the breach of the Journalist Code of Ethics that NZ media organizations are to adhere to.

3, The website version of this news report at nzherald.co.nz is published with no authorship, and carried a photo of Pansy Wong who has no links to the New Citizen Party. It is seriously misleading, and smacks of responsible reporting. In this regard, I also keep all rights to allege the reporter and the editor of the breach of the Journalist Code of Ethics.

4, I hereby post the JOURNALIST CODE OF ETHICS of New Zealand media union EPMU as follows:

Respect for truth and the public's right to information are overriding principles for all journalists. In pursuance of these principles, journalists commit themselves to ethical and professional standards. All members of the Union engaged in gathering, transmitting, disseminating and commenting on news and information shall observe the following Code of Ethics in their professional activities:
(A) They shall report and interpret the news with scrupulous honesty by striving to disclose all essential facts and by not suppressing relevant, available facts or distorting by wrong or improper emphasis.
(B) They shall not place unnecessary emphasis on gender, race, sexual preference, religious belief, marital status or physical or mental disability.
(C) In all circumstances they shall respect all confidences received in the course of their occupation.
(D) They shall not allow personal interests to influence them in their professional duties.
(E) They shall not allow their professional duties to be influenced by any consideration, gift or advantage offered and, where appropriate, shall disclose any such offer.
(F) They shall not allow advertising or commercial considerations to influence them in their professional duties.
(G) They shall use fair and honest means to obtain news, pictures, films, tapes and documents.
(H) They shall identify themselves and their employers before obtaining any interview for publication or broadcast.
(I) They shall respect private grief and personal privacy and shall have the right to resist compulsion to intrude on them.
(J) They shall do their utmost to correct any published or broadcast information found to be harmfully inaccurate.
A breach of this Code shall be a breach of the Union's Rules and thus may give rise to disciplinary procedures under the Rules. If a member is dismissed from employment or otherwise disadvantaged by an employer, and a breach of this Code is claimed by the employer as justification for the dismissal or disadvantage, then the Union, following proper and adequate inquiry, and if it is satisfied to a reasonable degree that the employer's actions are justified, may decline to pursue a personal grievance on behalf of the member.

5, I believe that in this news report the authors and editors failed to “Respect for truth and the public's right to information”, did not meet the criteria of (a), (g) and (j) of this Code, so they have actual constituted a breach of this Code and a breach of the Union's Rules.


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