(11月9日) (滚动更新) 世界新闻 – 中英 Chinese/English 双语简报

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Source: 中新网国际新闻


新华社巴格达11月8日电 (国际观察)总理官邸遇袭凸显伊拉克政局动荡加剧

Source: 中新网国际新闻


新华社达喀尔11月9日电 专访:非中双方应为构建新时代中非命运共同体共同努力——访塞内加尔外长艾莎塔

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网11月9日电 “加州州长加文·纽瑟姆去哪了?”连日来,美国民主党籍加利福尼亚州州长纽瑟姆持续从公众视线中“消失”,引得多家美媒发问。这到底是怎么一回事?

Source: 中新网国际新闻

日本岸田政府新设3个职能会议 向“新资本主义”迈进

中新网11月9日电 综合日媒报道,当地时间9日上午,日本内阁官房长官松野博一在记者会上宣布,为促进通过数字实现地方活性化,以及社会保障等综合事务的讨论,已新设“数字田园都市国家构想实现会议”“数字临时行政调查会”和“全年龄层型社会保障构建会议”3个会议。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社三亚11月9日电 (记者 王子谦)2021年海洋合作与治理论坛9日在海南三亚举行。菲律宾前总统阿罗约在视频演讲中说,美国、英国、澳大利亚三国组建“奥库斯”(AUKUS),引发东南亚国家对军备竞赛的担忧。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

伊拉克总理遭暗杀未遂 多国发声谴责

中新社北京11月9日电 综合消息:伊拉克总理卡迪米7日遭遇未遂暗杀后,国际社会各界纷纷发声表态,谴责此次事件会破坏地区稳定,加剧紧张局势。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社金边11月9日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)鉴于新冠疫苗尚未覆盖5岁及以下儿童,柬埔寨幼儿班在复课一周后,被教育部紧急叫停。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社金边11月9日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)2021年11月9日是柬埔寨独立68周年纪念日。柬埔寨官方举办隆重仪式庆祝这一重要节日。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

日本专设官员处理外国“人权问题” 前防相将任职

中新网11月9日电 综合日媒报道,当地时间8日,日本首相岸田文雄新设人权问题首相辅佐官一职,并决定由前防卫相中谷元担任。中谷元将在10日召开的特别国会上,第2次岸田内阁组建时,得到正式任命。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


新华社马尼拉11月9日电 (国际观察)RCEP将为亚太经济复苏注入新动力

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网11月9日电 据美国中文网报道,近日,调查美国国会大厦骚乱的国会特别委员会发出传票,要求美国前总统特朗普的另外六名助手提供文件和证词,其中包括其连任竞选活动的高级助手。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

全球累计新冠确诊病例超2.5亿例 欧洲多国疫情形势严峻

中新社北京11月9日电 综合消息:美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学8日发布的新冠疫情最新统计数据显示,截至美国东部时间8日8时21分(北京时间8日21时21分),全球累计新冠确诊病例超过2.5亿例,达250015789例,累计死亡5052148例。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网11月9日电 据日本共同社8日报道,日前,日本政府放宽对商务人士和留学生实施的入境防疫政策,此举对经济活动的刺激作用受到高度期待。但报道指出,商务旅客对经济的带动效果十分有限。日本旅游产业困境,或将持续。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网11月9日电 据秘鲁《公言报》报道,中国和秘鲁正在纪念两国建交50周年,这两种古老文化之间的接触,始于172年前第一批中国移民的到来。他们带来了中国美食,并与秘鲁的特色产品和风味相融合,产生了美味的融合美食,成为秘鲁庞大而多样的美食文化的一部分,征服了国内和国外的食客。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

尼加拉瓜沿岸近海发生6.3级地震 震源深度40千米

中新网11月9日电 据中国地震台网正式测定:11月09日14时25分在尼加拉瓜沿岸近海(北纬11.27度,西经86.56度)发生6.3级地震,震源深度40千米。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

美国伸手要数据 台积电、三星服软 芯片之难刚开始?

中新网11月9日电 综合报道,2021年9月,美国商务部以提高芯片供应链透明度为由,要求多家芯片相关企业提供商业数据,并定下11月8日的最终期限。如今期限已至,大部分企业已按照要求予以答复,其中包括备受关注的台湾地区企业台积电、韩国三星等。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

秘鲁新增确诊954例 93%医护人员已接种第三剂疫苗

中新网11月9日电 据秘鲁《公言报》7日报道,秘鲁新增954新冠肺炎确诊病例,累计确诊超220.7万例。秘鲁卫生部当天报告说,向医护工作者接种疫苗加强剂的工作进展迅速,达到了上述目标人群的93%,预计将在未来两周内完成60万名医护工作者的加强剂接种。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


参考消息网11月8日报道 俄罗斯自由媒体网11月4日刊登作者康斯坦丁·奥利尚斯基的文章,题为《美国人用疫苗当武器,中国人拿疫苗救世界》,全文摘编如下:

Source: 中新网国际新闻

纽约市逾10万公校生无家可归 候任市长面临“紧迫危机”

中新社纽约11月8日电 美国纽约非营利组织儿童权益拥护者联盟(Advocates for Children)8日公布的一份报告显示,在2020至2021学年,纽约市有超过10万名公立学校学生无家可归。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

意大利修改校内防疫规定 同班三人感染将开启隔离

中新网11月9日电 据意大利欧联网报道,意大利教育部7日向中小学和幼儿园发布实施新的校内防疫规定通知,从11月8日起,为最大限度保障线下授课,一个班级中至少三人被确诊感染新冠病毒,才将对该班级停课实施隔离和远程教学。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

新增7335例!希腊日增病例或上万 政府考虑紧急计划

中新网11月9日电 据希腊《中希时报》报道,进入11月后,希腊疫情形势急剧恶化。当地时间8日晚,希腊国家公共卫生组织宣布,过去24小时,希腊新增7335例新冠确诊病例,再次刷新单日新增病例记录。有预测称,本周日增病例可能上升至1万例。同时,希腊政府考虑实施“B计划”,以遏制病例持续激增的局面。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

尼日尔一学校发生重大火灾 26名幼童罹难13人伤

中新网11月9日电 据“中央社”报道,非洲国家尼日尔南部一所学校8日发生火灾,造成至少26名5岁至6岁的幼童葬身火窟。据报道,事发时,学童们正在木制的茅屋中上课;7个月前,首都尼亚美也曾发生类似悲剧。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

漂流5晚,载800多人难民船抵意大利 含170名未成年人

中新网11月9日电 据意大利欧联网报道,当地时间11月7日晚,一艘德国人道主义救援船“海眼4号”(Sea Eye 4),载着847名难民在马耳他被拒靠港后,获准抵达意大利西西里特拉帕尼港(Trapani)停泊。该救援船上的难民其中包括53名妇女,2名孕妇,170名未成年人。大部分未成年人都是10岁以下的儿童。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


新华社德黑兰11月9日电 通讯:我有无数个梦想,都与祖国有关——寄“伊”篱下的阿富汗人

Source: 中新网国际新闻

俄称美国在黑海部署基地 违反俄与北约基本文件

中新网11月9日电 据俄罗斯卫星网报道,俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫表示,美国希望在罗马尼亚和保加利亚建立海军基地,这直接违反俄罗斯-北约基本文件。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

一美国公民向白俄申请政治庇护 外媒:不可思议

中新网11月9日电 据德新社报道,当地时间11月7日晚,白俄罗斯1号电视台报道说,于 8 月中旬越过乌克兰和白俄罗斯边境的美国公民埃文·诺伊曼(Evan Neumann)向明斯克当局提出政治庇护申请。报道称, “一名美国公民在白俄罗斯寻求庇护,听起来不可思议,但千真万确。”

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

2030年前全球六大城市或“沉没” 谁首当其冲?(图)

中新网11月9日电 据俄罗斯卫星网报道,Climate Central气候研究组织的资料显示,如果气候情况未获改善,2030年前,全球有6个大城市将有可能沉入水下。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

马斯克投票结果打击特斯拉股价 引违反监管协议质疑

中新网11月9日电 据路透社报道,当地时间8日,特斯拉股价大幅下滑,因为投资者预计公司首席执行官(CEO)马斯克将依照社交媒体“推特”上的投票结果,出售他在特斯拉10%的持股。此举亦引发外界质疑其是否遵守与美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的协议。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

叙利亚目标遭以色列空袭两军人受伤 防空系统启动

中新网11月9日电 据俄罗斯卫星网9日援引叙利亚国家广播电视台报道,叙利亚塔尔图斯省的目标遭到以色列的空袭,2人受伤。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社联合国11月8日电 联合国安理会8日发表媒体声明,以“最强烈措辞”谴责日前针对伊拉克总理穆斯塔法·卡迪米(Mustafa al-Kadhimi)的未遂暗杀行为。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网柏林11月9日电 (记者 彭大伟)世界经济论坛在联合国气候变化大会COP26期间宣布启动“先驱者联盟”(First Movers Coalition)。其创始成员包括亚马逊、苹果、空客、波音等跨国企业,旨在利用大型企业的购买力推动净零排放技术的发展、加快实现《巴黎协定》气候目标。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

默克尔卸任前受访:谈总理任内最大挑战 未来不会从政

中新网11月9日电 综合报道,即将卸任的德国总理默克尔日前接受媒体专访时表示,难民危机和新冠疫情是其16年总理任内最大的挑战,她还强调离任后不会从政。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

印度北方邦暴发寨卡疫情 病毒感染者增至89人


Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

欧洲暴发第四波疫情 世卫组织官员:美国应引以为戒

中新网11月9日电 综合报道,世界卫生组织(WHO)高级官员8日提出警告,称美国应当关注目前全球新冠疫情的中心——欧洲,并从其错误中吸取教训。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

特朗普或在2022中期选举后宣布参选总统 共和党人松口气?

中新网11月9日电 据美国中文网报道,当地时间8日,美国前总统特朗普表示,他“可能”会在2022年中期选举后宣布2024年竞选总统的决定。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

美国取消33个国家旅行禁令 国际航班机票预订量持续增高


Source: 中新网国际新闻

泰国重开国门满7天超2万人入境 发现15例新冠病例

泰国重开国门满7天超2万人入境 其中发现15例新冠确诊病例

Source: 中新网国际新闻

美国芝加哥周末发生多起枪击事件 致至少9人死亡39人受伤


Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社莫斯科11月8日电 (记者 田冰)据俄罗斯国防部11月8日消息,代号为“牢不可破的兄弟情-2021”集体安全条约组织(集安组织)成员国联合维和军事演习,在位于俄罗斯鞑靼斯坦共和国的喀山高等坦克指挥学校训练场揭开战幕。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

模拟登月国际实验在俄罗斯开始 6人共同生活240天


Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

德国发病率升至疫情暴发以来新高 专家警告重症人数恐倍增

(抗击新冠肺炎)德国发病率升至疫情暴发以来新高 专家警告重症人数恐倍增

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社莫斯科11月8日电 (张萌 田冰)莫斯科一地方法院8日对谷歌处以罚款200万卢布(1美元约合71卢布),理由是其拒绝删除违禁信息。至此,谷歌今年在俄罗斯总计被罚款4100万卢布。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

俄罗斯恢复正常工作状态 实施新版疫苗接种证书

(抗击新冠肺炎)俄罗斯恢复正常工作状态 实施新版疫苗接种证书

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网11月8日电 据日本共同社8日报道,日本前首相安倍晋三将重返自民党最大派系细田派并出任会长。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

法国戛纳发生袭警事件 袭击者被制服

中新社巴黎11月8日电 (记者 李洋)法国南部城市戛纳当地时间8日发生袭警事件,袭击者被警方制服,在制服过程中袭击者中枪受重伤。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


参考消息网11月8日报道 俄新社网站11月6日发表题为《向俄罗斯宣布“三国世界大战”》的文章,作者为彼得·阿科波夫,全文摘编如下:

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社曼谷11月8日电 (记者 王国安)受海水涨潮、顶托影响,泰国湄南河水位8日持续上涨,导致曼谷及周边北榄府、暖武里府临河多地受淹,交通受阻。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社吉隆坡11月8日电 (记者 陈悦)马来西亚总理办公室和新加坡总理办公室8日发布联合声明宣布,马总理伊斯梅尔与新加坡总理李显龙当日进行通话,双方同意自本月29日起,已完成疫苗接种者可在马来西亚吉隆坡机场和新加坡樟宜机场通过疫苗接种者旅游通道免隔离往返两国。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网约翰内斯堡11月8日电 (记者 王曦)南非总统拉马福萨在8日发表的致全体国民的公开信中表示:尽管当前饱受频繁限电影响,但相信随着近期针对能源领域的投资陆续到位,南非有望最终摆脱当前的“能源危机”。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

血腥周末!美国芝加哥发生多起枪击 致至少9死39伤

中新网11月8日电 据美国福克斯新闻网8日报道,官方消息称,美国芝加哥周末发生多起枪击事件,造成至少9人死亡,39人受伤。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网11月8日电 据俄罗斯卫星网8日报道,科威特政府向该国埃米尔(国家元首)提交辞呈。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

印度军营一士兵突然朝同事开枪 已致4人死13人伤

中新网11月8日电 据印度《经济时报》报道,当地时间8日,印度切蒂斯格尔邦苏克马区一处中央后备警察部队(CRPF)营地,一名士兵突然朝同事开枪。最新消息称,枪击事件已造成4人死亡,13人受伤。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

Joe who? Obama’s star power still dominates the world stage.

As Obama’s appearance at COP26 showed, the former president’s enduring popularity is both a blessing and a curse for Biden.

Source: World | 10 Nov 2021 | 6:01 am(NZT)

Cyprus to try Azeri ‘hitman’ allegedly targeting Israelis

Cypriot police have formally charged an Azeri man on suspicion that he planned to carry out the contract killings of Israelis living in Cyprus

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 10:26 pm(NZT)

Fire sweeps through school in Niger, killing 20 children

Niger’s government says more than 20 children were killed and dozens more were injured when a fire swept through a school in Niger’s second-largest city,  Maradi

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 10:25 pm(NZT)

Blocked from U.N. climate talks, Taiwan’s emissions go uncounted

Despite being shut out, Taipei has been monitoring climate measures and released its own emissions-cutting plans in line with the Paris agreement.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 10:07 pm(NZT)

6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes south of Nicaragua

The U.S. Geological Survey says an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.2 has struck in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Nicaragua

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 10:06 pm(NZT)

Singapore delays appeal hearing on disabled man’s execution

Singapore’s top court has postponed the appeal hearing for a Malaysian man on death row believed to be mentally disabled, after he was diagnosed with COVID-19

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 9:47 pm(NZT)

Migrants camp overnight at Polish border after tense day

Polish police have posted video showing a group of migrants who camped overnight just on the far side of Poland’s eastern border in Belarus

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 9:42 pm(NZT)

Myanmar asylum seeker reaches New Zealand after jumping off boat and surviving 23 hours in icy waters

The incident was an extremely rare case of a migrant reaching New Zealand, whose closest neighbor is nearly 1,000 miles away, by sea.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 8:25 pm(NZT)

Pentagon intensifies effort to evacuate families of Defense Department service members from Afghanistan

The Pentagon has intensified its effort to evacuate the families of Defense Department service members and civilians from Afghanistan, creating a system to track the number of immediate family members who remain there more than two months after the US withdrawal.

Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 9 Nov 2021 | 5:00 pm(NZT)

Wisconsin man shot by Kyle Rittenhouse pointed a gun at him

A protester acknowledges in court he was advancing with gun drawn on the teen when he opened fire.

Source: BBC News – Home | 9 Nov 2021 | 4:53 pm(NZT)

How new movie ‘Spencer’ kept Kristen Stewart’s Diana in focus

Pablo Larrain’s “Spencer” gives off “The Shining” vibes long before we see two women in matching outfits walking in step down a corridor. The neat Kubrickian symmetry, the oppressive setting, the stifling presence of others, of ritual, of duty — it’s all there in Larrain’s imaginary take on Princess Diana’s Christmas from hell. Then again, the moment involving two maids is so throwaway it could also be a nothing, a phantom. It wouldn’t be the only ghost lurking in the hallways of this film.

Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 9 Nov 2021 | 3:26 pm(NZT)

US seizes $6 million in ransom payments, charges Ukrainian over major cyberattack

Law enforcement officials have seized an estimated $6 million in ransom payments, and the US Justice Department is expected to announce Monday that it has charged a suspect from Ukraine over a damaging July ransomware attack on an American company in a breakthrough for the Biden administration’s pursuit of cybercriminals, CNN has learned.

Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 9 Nov 2021 | 3:15 pm(NZT)

California couple sue clinic for alleged IVF swap ‘horror’

Two California couples gave birth to each others’ babies after a mix-up at a fertility clinic , a lawsuit claims.

Source: BBC News – Home | 9 Nov 2021 | 3:04 pm(NZT)

International travelers reunite with loved ones as US reopens

Vaccinated international travelers were welcomed back to the United States after nearly 20 months of being shut out of the country due to pandemic travel restrictions. CNN’s Richard Quest has more.

Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 9 Nov 2021 | 2:26 pm(NZT)

Capitol rioter Evan Neumann applies for asylum in Belarus, local media says

Neumann was presented by local media as someone who was persecuted for questioning election results.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 6:34 am(NZT)

The European Union makes a policy play in Venezuela. Washington is not amused.

U.S. officials and some Venezuelan opposition figures are chafing against the increasingly assertive role of European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in the South American country.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 6:01 am(NZT)

Photos show Senegal neighborhood disappearing as sea levels rise

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 5:49 am(NZT)

Obama says ‘we’re still falling short’ at U.N. climate conference

The pomp of the conference has given away to the difficult task of hammering out an agreement on what nations will actually do together to combat global warming — and how.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 3:19 am(NZT)

UN says over 3 million in Myanmar need “life-saving” aid

The U.N. humanitarian chief  is urging Myanmar’s military leaders to provide unimpeded access to the more than 3 million people in need of “life-saving” humanitarian assistance since government forces seized power on Feb. 1

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 2:18 am(NZT)

Astro, reggae singer and mainstay of the British band UB40, dies at 64

He helped anchor the group for more than 30 years, singing on hits such as “Red Red Wine.”

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 2:09 am(NZT)

Mexico arrests businessman in Pegasus spyware case

Mexican prosecutors say they have arrested a businessman on charges he used the Pegasus spyware to spy on a journalist

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 1:57 am(NZT)

‘The wait is over!’ As the border into the U.S. reopens, families reconnect and border towns celebrate

As people cross into Texas, Vermont and New York, they look forward to seeing relatives, shopping and getting some fast food.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 1:52 am(NZT)

Costa Rica announces nationwide mandate requiring coronavirus vaccinations for children

Children under 18 will be required to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, along with shots for chickenpox, polio and human papillomavirus, or HPV.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 1:41 am(NZT)

The unlikeliest of sights amid Yemen’s war: Trees sculpted into whimsical forms

Not far from Marib’s front lines, gardeners find peace by transforming trees into art.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 1:00 am(NZT)

Singapore court orders temporary reprieve for mentally disabled man on death row

The decision is a small but significant victory for anti-death penalty advocates in the city-state known for its exceptionally harsh laws against drug trafficking.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 12:36 am(NZT)

Nicaragua’s Ortega leads in vote tally after jailing rivals

A day after questioned elections, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega’s government has set about painting as a historic democratic victory what many of the world’s democracies condemned as a sham

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 12:29 am(NZT)

AU envoy sees short `window of opportunity’ on Ethiopia war

The African Union’s envoy for the Horn of Africa is warning that there is a short “window of opportunity” and little time to reverse the crisis in northern Ethiopia which has drastically deteriorated in recent weeks amid an escalating offensive by Tigray forces against the government

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 12:01 am(NZT)

Who has the most delegates at the COP26 summit? The fossil fuel industry.

Source: World | 8 Nov 2021 | 11:53 pm(NZT)

Long before ‘Squid Game,’ South Korea filmmakers elevated the underdog

The Netflix hit taps into a deep vein in South Korea cinema that explores topics of greed and inequality.

Source: World | 8 Nov 2021 | 11:00 pm(NZT)

Biden denounces ‘pantomime election’ favoring Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega

Ortega was set to win a fourth consecutive term as president after arresting seven potential opposition candidates. U.S. officials say Nicaragua is spiraling into dictatorship, with worrisome implications for the rest of Central America.

Source: World | 8 Nov 2021 | 11:00 pm(NZT)

People fleeing Ethiopia allege attacks, forced conscription

People fleeing Ethiopia say a new round of deadly attacks and forced conscription has begun against ethnic Tigrayans who remain in an area now controlled by Amhara regional authorities in collaboration with soldiers from neighboring Eritrea

Source: World | 8 Nov 2021 | 10:26 pm(NZT)

‘They will not come in’: Mounting standoff over migrants on Poland and Belarus border

European nations are accusing Belarus of weaponizing refugees in its disputes with the European Union.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 6:54 am(NZT)

Capitol rioter Evan Neumann applies for asylum in Belarus, local media says

Neumann was presented by local media as someone who was persecuted for questioning election results.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 6:34 am(NZT)

The European Union makes a policy play in Venezuela. Washington is not amused.

U.S. officials and some Venezuelan opposition figures are chafing against the increasingly assertive role of European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in the South American country.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 6:01 am(NZT)

Photos show Senegal neighborhood disappearing as sea levels rise

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 5:49 am(NZT)

Biden denounces ‘pantomime election’ favoring Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega

Ortega was set to win a fourth consecutive term as president after arresting seven potential opposition candidates. U.S. officials say Nicaragua is spiraling into dictatorship, with worrisome implications for the rest of Central America.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 3:31 am(NZT)

Obama says ‘we’re still falling short’ at U.N. climate conference

The pomp of the conference has given away to the difficult task of hammering out an agreement on what nations will actually do together to combat global warming — and how.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 3:19 am(NZT)

The unlikeliest of sights amid Yemen’s war: Trees sculpted into whimsical forms

Not far from Marib’s front lines, gardeners find peace by transforming trees into art.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 1:00 am(NZT)

Singapore court orders temporary reprieve for mentally disabled man on death row

The decision is a small but significant victory for anti-death penalty advocates in the city-state known for its exceptionally harsh laws against drug trafficking.

Source: World | 9 Nov 2021 | 12:36 am(NZT)

Long before ‘Squid Game,’ South Korea filmmakers elevated the underdog

The Netflix hit taps into a deep vein in South Korea cinema that explores topics of greed and inequality.

Source: World | 8 Nov 2021 | 11:00 pm(NZT)

EXPLAINER: What comes next after Nicaragua’s election

Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega holds a commanding lead in preliminary results from Sunday’s election against a field of little known challengers

Source: World | 8 Nov 2021 | 9:35 pm(NZT)

Azerbaijan celebrates Nagorno-Karabakh victory anniversary

Tens of thousands have rallied in Azerbaijan’s capital to mark the one year anniversary of the country’s victory in the six-week battle over Nagorno-Karabakh

Source: World | 8 Nov 2021 | 9:33 pm(NZT)

UN says over 3 million in Myanmar need “life-saving” aid

The U.N. humanitarian chief  is urging Myanmar’s military leaders to provide unimpeded access to the more than 3 million people in need of “life-saving” humanitarian assistance since government forces seized power on Feb. 1

Source: World | 8 Nov 2021 | 9:09 pm(NZT)

How climate change is disproportionately affecting girls in low-income countries

More intense extreme weather is taking girls out of school, forcing them into earlier marriages and increasing their exposure to violence.

Source: World | 8 Nov 2021 | 8:50 pm(NZT)

Syria says Israeli strikes wound 2 soldiers, cause damage

Syria’s military says Israel has carried out airstrikes on central and western provinces wounding two soldiers and causing material damage

Source: World | 8 Nov 2021 | 8:33 pm(NZT)

People ‘unvaccinated by choice’ in Singapore no longer can receive free covid-19 treatment

Singapore will no longer cover the medical costs of the “unvaccinated by choice,” who make up the bulk of new covid-19 cases and hospitalizations in the city-state.

Source: World | 8 Nov 2021 | 8:23 pm(NZT)

Cold snap in China adds to fears over power and food supplies as leaders meet

A string of social and economic disruptions comes at a politically sensitive time for President Xi Jinping.

Source: World | 8 Nov 2021 | 8:16 pm(NZT)

People fleeing Ethiopia allege attacks, forced conscription

People fleeing Ethiopia say a new round of deadly attacks and forced conscription has begun against ethnic Tigrayans who remain in an area now controlled by Amhara regional authorities in collaboration with soldiers from neighboring Eritrea

Source: World | 8 Nov 2021 | 8:08 pm(NZT)

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