(12月30日)(滚动更新) 世界新闻 – English/Chinese 英中简报

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NBA: Eleven Orlando Magic & Dallas Pistons players suspended after scuffle

Eleven players are suspended by the NBA following a mass scuffle during the Detroit Pistons’ 121-101 victory over the Orlando Magic.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 9:46 pm(NZT)

Rishabh Pant: Indian cricketer injured in car accident

The cricketer has two cuts on his forehead and a ligament tear in his right knee and is stable now.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 9:33 pm(NZT)

Heeraben Modi: Indian PM Modi’s mother dies aged 99

Mr Modi has said that his mother’s life and sacrifices shaped his mind and personality.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 9:19 pm(NZT)

Rishabh Pant: India wicketkeeper in hospital after car crash

India wicketkeeper Rishabh Pant “dozed off” before his car flipped twice and caught fire in Uttarakhand.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 8:39 pm(NZT)

Myanmar court extends Aung San Suu Kyi’s prison sentence to 33 years

A court in military-run Myanmar has sentenced Aung San Suu Kyi to seven years in prison for corruption, a source familiar with the case told CNN, bringing an end to a string of secretive and highly-politicized proceedings against the ousted former leader.

Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 30 Dec 2022 | 8:13 pm(NZT)



Horrific scenes as people jump from burning building to escape deadly casino fire

The death toll has risen to at least 19 and dozens of others remain missing after a fire engulfed a casino complex in Cambodia on Wednesday, according to local authorities.

Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 30 Dec 2022 | 8:09 pm(NZT)

China has abandoned its zero-Covid policy. What will the economy look like in 2023?

As China moves ever closer to fully reemerging from three years of government-imposed Covid isolation and reintegrating with the world, economic expectations are high.

Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 30 Dec 2022 | 7:55 pm(NZT)

The photographer using a Victorian process to picture Scotland

Alex Boyd has made images of Scottish landscapes using a process invented more than 170 years ago.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 7:12 pm(NZT)

Aung San Suu Kyi jailed for a further seven years

Myanmar’s military junta has now sentenced the former leader to a total of 33 years behind bars.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 6:49 pm(NZT)

Belarus says it downed Ukraine air defence missile

Belarus summoned the Ukrainian ambassador, after saying it shot down a Ukrainian air defence missile.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 6:18 pm(NZT)

Vivienne Westwood: Tributes for ‘Queen of British Fashion’ after her death

The 81-year-old died “peacefully and surrounded by her family” in London, her fashion house said.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 5:24 pm(NZT)

Dame Vivienne Westwood – the godmother of punk

She was the anarchic idealist who stormed the battlements of the status quo and transformed Britain.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 5:07 pm(NZT)

Andrew Tate detained in Romania over human trafficking case

The controversial online influencer has reportedly been detained in Romania.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 3:23 pm(NZT)

Strep A: At least 30 children have died in UK since mid-September

Since 19 September, 122 people in England have died from an invasive form of the bacterial infection, UKHSA data shows.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 3:01 pm(NZT)

Pele: The player who united a nation

Pele was a footballing legend the world over, but for people in Brazil he was so much more.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 3:01 pm(NZT)



Venugopal Dhoot: How a ‘loan scam’ led to Videocon owner’s downfall

Venugopal Dhoot was arrested earlier this week in a case of fraud, which he denies.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 2:25 pm(NZT)

Abba’s Chiquitita: Guatemala school uses Unicef funds

Abba gave the copyright of hit song Chiquitita to Unicef – who use the profits to fund education.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 2:21 pm(NZT)

‘Senseless barbarism’: Russia pummels Ukraine’s power and water sectors: Live updates

Russia once again targeted Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure, weaponizing winter with its largest attack in weeks. Live updates.

Source: GANNETT Syndication Service | 30 Dec 2022 | 2:11 pm(NZT)

Pele: When India fell in and out of love with the ‘wizard of football’

Mass hysteria gripped the city of Kolkata when Pele arrived in 1977 to play his first match in India.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 2:10 pm(NZT)

Africa’s year in pictures 2022: Carnivals, gallops and tugs of war

A selection of the best photos from across the African continent this year.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 1:57 pm(NZT)

2022 in pictures: Striking photos from around the world

A selection of some of the most powerful pictures taken by news agency photographers around the world this year.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 1:55 pm(NZT)

National Archives: Tony Blair said Putin should be on ‘top table’

The then prime minister believed Russia’s president was at heart a “patriot”, archive files reveal.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 1:07 pm(NZT)

Tributes paid to footballing legend Pele

“King” Pele “changed everything”, says Brazil forward Neymar as tributes pour in for the late footballing legend.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 12:19 pm(NZT)

Dame Vivienne Westwood in pictures: From punk to catwalk pioneer and activist

The provocative doyenne of British fashion married punk style with the flamboyance of high fashion.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Dec 2022 | 12:16 pm(NZT)

Migrants seeking asylum cross into the US

Migrants continue to travel to the US in the hope of entering, despite SCOTUS upholding Title 42.

Source: GANNETT Syndication Service | 30 Dec 2022 | 7:34 am(NZT)



Kabul professor tears up diplomas on live TV to protest Taliban ban on women’s education

A Kabul professor tore up his diplomas live on television in Afghanistan in protest over the Taliban’s barring of women from higher education.

Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 30 Dec 2022 | 7:15 am(NZT)

2022-12-30 16:37:33
中新网12月30日电 (孟湘君)乌克兰危机持续,斯里兰卡国家破产,日本前首相安倍遇刺,美国会众议长佩洛西窜台……2022年的世界充满变化与惊奇。
2022-12-30 16:23:08
乌克兰总统泽连斯基30日签署了《媒体法》,该法加强了国家对媒体的控制。根据新的法律,国家电视和广播委员会将成为乌克兰新闻业的监管机构。新法律禁止所有俄罗斯大众媒体在乌克兰境内进行传播,如果乌克兰媒体发布了不准确的有关俄罗斯的信息,也需要承担责任。(总台记者 王斌)
2022-12-30 16:20:36
美国纽约收容所暴力事件激增 一周曾报告273起“重大事件”
中新网12月30日电 据《纽约邮报》28日报道,纽约市流浪者收容所暴力事件频发,9月中旬的一周内曾记录至少273起“重大事件”,包括20多件暴力事件。
2022-12-30 16:20:34
叙利亚三辆巴士遭恐怖袭击 致10死2伤
据叙利亚通讯社消息,当地时间30日,叙利亚代尔祖尔省阿勒坦姆油田三辆转运工人的巴士遭恐怖袭击,导致10名工人死亡,另有2名工人受伤。(总台记者 倪紫慧)
2022-12-30 16:15:26
中新网12月30日电 据白通社当地时间30日报道,白俄罗斯国防部就“乌克兰导弹落入白俄罗斯境内”一事发表评论,称不排除乌克兰武装力量蓄意挑衅的可能性。
2022-12-30 15:19:26
美国一架直升机坠入墨西哥湾 4人失联
2022-12-30 15:07:20
柬埔寨赌场火灾遇难者增至25人 救援工作仍在进行
2022-12-30 15:04:06
美国冬季风暴已致71人遇难 男子为给孕妻买食物死在街头
海外网12月30日电 据美国哥伦比亚广播公司及美国有线电视新闻网12月29日报道,美国多地遭遇冬季风暴侵袭,已导致至少71人遇难。遇难者中包括一名26岁的准爸爸,他为了给孕妻买食物而冒着风雪离开家,却不幸被发现死在街头。
2022-12-30 14:45:56
缅甸原民选总统和原国务资政所涉又一案件宣判 各判7年监禁
2022-12-30 14:22:15
中新网12月30日电 据韩联社报道,当地时间30日,韩国前总统李明博从首尔大学医院出院,返回位于首尔江南区论岘洞的私邸。
2022-12-30 14:01:30
示威引发冲突致20多人死亡 秘鲁总统要求调查
中新社北京12月30日电 利马消息:近期秘鲁示威活动频发引发冲突,秘鲁总统博卢阿特当地时间29日要求检察官办公室对冲突导致的20多起死亡事件展开调查。
2022-12-30 13:59:35
中新网曼谷12月30日电 中国驻泰国大使馆29日在使馆领事证件大厅举行温暖迎春慰问活动启动仪式。中国驻泰国大使韩志强出席并为在泰中资企业、留学生、汉办志愿者教师等代表以及来馆办证的同胞发放暖春礼包。
2022-12-30 13:00:20
希腊北部城市多家店铺和银行连遭袭击 嫌犯在逃
中新网12月30日电 据希腊《中希时报》报道,当地时间12月28日晚,希腊北部城市塞萨洛尼基发生多起店铺、银行被不明人士袭击的恶性案件。
2022-12-30 12:39:52
中新社北京12月30日电 耶路撒冷消息:当地时间29日,利库德集团领导人内塔尼亚胡宣誓就任以色列第37届政府总理。
2022-12-30 11:31:28
“球王”贝利去世 巴西政府宣布哀悼三天
中新社圣保罗12月29日电 (记者 莫成雄)巴西圣保罗市阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦医院当地时间29日发布公告称,巴西“球王”贝利因结肠癌引发多器官衰竭,于当天15时27分去世,享年82岁。
2022-12-30 11:16:13
美总统拜登签署1.7万亿美元联邦支出法案 避免政府停摆
中新网12月30日电 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,当地时间12月29日,美国总统拜登签署了1.7万亿美元的联邦支出法案,以解决一些政府优先事项,并避免政府停摆。
2022-12-30 10:56:26
外媒:印度总理莫迪母亲去世 莫迪发文悼念
中新网12月30日电 综合印度媒体报道,当地时间30凌晨,印度总理莫迪的母亲去世。
2022-12-30 10:32:06
美国会骚乱调查委员会撤回传票 特朗普:他们怕输官司
中新网12月30日电 综合外媒29日报道,美国负责调查国会骚乱的众院特别委员会宣布,撤回对前总统特朗普的传票。
2022-12-30 10:09:15
中新网12月30日电 据路透社当地时间30日报道,英国国防大臣华莱士日前表示,英国2023年将向乌克兰提供价值23亿英镑的援助。
2022-12-30 10:07:57


(12月29日)(滚动更新) 世界新闻 – English/Chinese 英中简报