



曹谁在2017年参加中国作家协会国际写作计划期间,通过世界诗歌运动土耳其协调员纽都然·杜门(Nurduran Duman)加入世界诗歌运动,发现跟他倡导的大诗主义运动(Great Poetry Movement)有许多共同的追求,翻译了世界诗歌运动总协调员费尔南多·伦德(Fernando Rendon)起草的《世界诗歌运动宣言》    (Manifesto of World Poetry Movement),发表在《世界诗歌》(World Poetry)第1期上。从此开始将世界诗歌运动和大诗主义运动一起在中国传播,包括诗歌节、诗歌奖、诗歌刊物、朗诵会等。


博鳌国际诗歌节(Boao International Poetry Festival)由世界诗歌运动指导成立,费尔南多·伦德也是名誉主席,黄亚洲担任诗歌节主席,韩庆成担任秘书长,曹谁担任常务副秘书长,从2018年到2022年共举办5届。每届都颁发博鳌国际诗歌奖和国际微诗大赛奖,其中最重要的是博鳌国际诗歌奖。目前通过曹谁翻译或推荐获奖的世界诗歌运动诗人包括:第1届:中国诗人吉狄马加、土耳其诗人莱文特·卡拉塔斯(Levent Karatas);第2届:土耳其诗人纽都然·杜门(Nurduran Duman)、哥伦比亚诗人加布里尔·杰米·弗兰克(Gabriel Jaime Franco)、墨西哥诗人安德里娅·里瓦斯(Andrea Rivas);第3届:哥伦比亚诗人费尔南多·伦德(Fernando Rendon)、智利诗人罗伯特·艾多(Roberto Aedo)、意大利诗人劳拉·贝罗蒂(Laura Bellotti)、德国诗人乔纳斯·林内班克(Jonas Linnebank);第4届:俄罗斯诗人瓦迪姆·特里金(Vadim Terekhin)、瑞士诗人卢茜拉·特拉帕佐(Lucilla Trapazzo)、加拿大诗人乔纳森·马尔卡希(Jonathan Mulcahy)、古巴诗人亚瑟夫·阿南达(Yasef Ananda)、意大利诗人斯特法诺·科尔蒂斯(Stefano Cortese)、美国华裔诗人徐今今(Jinjin Xu);第5届:美国诗人乔治·华莱士(George Wallace)、越南诗人梅文奋(Mai Van Phan)、印度诗人拉蒂·萨克森纳(Rati Saxena)、瑞典诗人阿尼苏尔·拉赫曼(Anisur_Rahman)、美国汉学家徐贞敏(Jami Proctor Xu)、哥伦比亚诗人卡洛斯·安德里斯·贾拉米洛(Carlos Andrés Jaramillo)。
丝绸之路国际诗歌节(Silk Road International Poetry Festival)和丝绸之路国际诗歌春晚(Silk Road International Poetry Spring Festival Gala)都是由丝绸之路国际联合会举办的,丝绸之路国际诗歌节从2018年到2022年已经举办3届,费尔南多·伦德担任顾问,芳闻担任主席,曹谁担任常务副主席。每届都颁发丝绸之路国际诗歌奖。从第三届开始,曹谁翻译推荐获奖的诗人有哥伦比亚诗人费尔南多·伦德(Fernando Rendon)、俄罗斯诗人瓦迪姆·特里金(Vadim Terekhin)、土耳其诗人纽都然·杜门(Nurduran Duman)、土耳其诗人莱文特·卡拉塔斯(Levent Karatas)、意大利诗人维尼齐奥·杰斯卡蒂(Vinicio Cescatti)、克罗地亚诗人丁尼克·泰利肯(Dinko Telecan)、墨西哥诗人古斯塔沃·奥索里奥(Gustavo Osorio)、智利诗人罗伯特·艾多(Roberto Aedo)。
2023年举办首届丝绸之路国际诗歌春晚,费尔南多·伦德、吉狄马加、苏朱担任顾问,芳闻和曹谁担任总策划。邀请包括费尔南多·伦德(Fernando Rendon)、弗朗西斯·库姆斯(Francis Combes)、瓦迪姆·特里金(Vadim Terekhin)等世界诗歌运动20多个国家诗人参加。


《世界诗歌》(World Poetry)是中英文版的,禺农担任社长,韩庆成担任主编,副主编王桂林和牧野,曹谁担任英文副主编。从2021年创刊到2022年底出版8期,每期都由世界诗歌运动成员做封面诗人,发表作品也主要是世界诗歌运动成员。从第1期到第8期的封面人物分别是:澳大利亚诗人菲利普·萨隆(Philip Salon)、哥伦比亚诗人费尔南多·伦德(Fernando Rendon)、美国诗人乔治·华莱士(George Wallace)、美国诗人查尔斯·西密克(Charles Simic)、尼日利亚诗人尼伊·奥桑戴尔(Niyi Osundare)、乌克兰诗人鲍里斯·赫尔松斯基(Boris Hersonski)、爱尔兰诗人戴斯蒙德·伊耿(Desmond Egan)、瑞典诗人谢尔·埃斯普马克(Kjell Espmark)。杂志发表了上百位世界诗歌运动诗人作品。《世界诗歌网》(World Poetry Network)也由博鳌国际诗歌节主管,总编韩庆成,副主编:曹谁、牧野。
《世界诗人》(Global Poet)由芳闻担任总编,曹谁担任英文主编,每期同样有世界诗歌运动成员担任封面人物,报道世界诗歌运动的各大新闻。封面人物有哥伦比亚诗人费尔南多·伦德(Fernando Rendon)、俄罗斯诗人瓦迪姆·特里金(Vadim Terekhin)、法国诗人弗朗西斯·库姆斯(Francis Combes)。
《世界诗坛》(World Poetry Circles)由韩林子担任主编,苏朱担任副主编,曹谁担任英文副主编,每期底封都由世界诗歌运动成员做封面人物。封面人物有哥伦比亚诗人费尔南多·伦德(Fernando Rendon)、美国诗人乔治·华莱士(George Wallace)、美国诗人索娜·梵(Sona Van)。
《国际诗人》(International Poets)和《国际诗歌》(International Poetry)刚刚创刊,《国际诗人》主编佛凤凰,副主编曹谁,《国际诗歌》主编温古,副主编曹谁。在刊物都会推荐世界诗歌运动诗人,包括哥伦比亚诗人费尔南多·伦德(Fernando Rendon)、俄罗斯诗人瓦迪姆·特里金(Vadim Terekhin)、土耳其诗人纽都然·杜门(Nurduran Duman)等。
《大诗刊》(Great Poetry)和《文学视角》(Literary Perspective)是大诗主义运动的刊物,主编都是曹谁,执行主编都是彭书锦,编委:龙吟、月剑、庄苓、夜陌、深雪、鹰子、北陕、莫尘、雷晓明、郭良忠,刊物通过网络和纸刊介绍世界诗歌运动的所有活动。支持世界诗歌运动的诗歌流派包括大诗主义运动(Great Poetry Movement)和诗战十八军(The 18th Army for Poetry War)曹谁的公众号《曹谁的通天塔》(The Tower of Babel of Cao Shui)系统介绍曹谁翻译的世界诗歌运动诗人。


曹谁在2018年翻译了土耳其诗人纽都然·杜门(Nurduran Duman)诗集《伊斯坦布尔的脚步》(Steps of Istanbul),以中英土三种语言在澳大利亚先驱出版社(The Herald Publisher Proprietary Limited)出版,英文译者为英国翻译家安德鲁·维塞尔斯和格蕾丝·维塞尔斯(Andrew Wessels & Grace Wessels),获得了博鳌国际诗歌奖,曹谁和纽都然·杜门共同领奖,在首届博鳌国际诗歌节上举行首发式。
此后曹谁又翻译哥伦比亚诗人费尔南多·伦德(Fernando Rendon)的诗集《理想国的歌声》(Songs of Dream Land)和俄罗斯诗人瓦迪姆·特里金(Vadim Terekhin)的诗集《太阳中的金色鸟》(Golden Bird in the Sun),近期将有北岳文艺出版社出版。
曹谁正在翻译的诗集有美国诗人乔治·华莱士(George Wallace)的《美国飞人》(American Flyer)和法国诗人弗朗西斯·库姆斯(Francis Combes)的《人类公社》(Common Cause)以及新版的纽都然·杜门(Nurduran Duman)《伊斯坦布尔的歌声》(Songs of Istanbul),计划由北岳文艺出版社出版。
在跟世界诗歌运动诗人交流中,曹谁先后翻译大约一百位诗人的诗歌和演说,编辑为诗选《梅塔特隆的号角》(The Horn of Metatron)和演说集《耶路撒冷的桨声》(The Sound of the Oars in Jerusalem),在合适的时候出版。


2019年响应世界诗歌运动“世界诗歌无国界”倡议(Poetry For a World Without Walls),分别在合肥和海口举办两场《世界诗歌无国界朗诵会》(Recitation of Poetry For a World Without Walls)。
2020年响应世界诗歌运动“诗是通向和平的道路”倡议(Poetry is the Path to Peace),在博鳌国际节上举行《世界和平朗诵会》(Recitation of World Peace)。
2021年响应世界诗歌运动“全世界悼念杰克·赫希曼”倡议(Worldwide Tribute to Jack Hirschman),举行线上《全世界悼念杰克·赫希曼》活动(Recitation of Worldwide Tribute to Jack Hirschman)。
2022年响应世界诗歌运动“地球是我们的家园”倡议(Earth is Our Home),《大诗刊》举行《地球是我们的家园:大诗的命运,和平的长城》签名和征稿活动(The Great Poems Of Destiny And The Great Wall Of Peace of Earth Is Our Home),过后全球诗人作品在《世界诗人》做一期专辑,封面诗人为法国诗人弗朗西斯·库姆斯(Francis Combes)。
2022年响应世界诗歌运动法国《世界和平的链条》(Worldwide Chain Of Poems For Peace)和《反第三次世界大战倡议书》(Before It’s Too Late Or Global Initiative Against The Third World War),曹谁组织中国诗人写诗和签署倡议支持。






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The Development Of The World Poetry Movement In China (Excerpt)

By Cao Shui

During his participation in the International Writing Program of the Chinese Writers Association in 2017, Cao Shui joined the World Poetry Movement through Nurduran Duman, coordinator of the World Poetry Movement in Türkiye, and found that he shared many common pursuits with the Great Poetry Movement he advocated, Translated the Manifesto of World Poetry Movement drafted by Fernando Rendon, the general coordinator of the World Poetry Movement, and published it in the first issue of World Poetry. Since then, the World Poetry Movement and the Great Poetry Movement have been spread in China, including poetry festivals, poetry awards, poetry publications, recitations, etc.

1.Poetry Festival and Poetry Award

The poetry festivals coordinated by Cao Shui in the World Poetry Movement include the Boao International Poetry Festival, the Silk Road International Poetry Festival, the Silk Road International Poetry Festival Gala, and the poetry awards include the Boao International Poetry Award, the International Micro Poetry Competition Award, and the Silk Road International Poetry Award.
The Boao International Poetry Festival was founded under the guidance of the World Poetry Movement. Fernando Rendon is also the honorary chairman. Huang Yazhou serves as the chairman of the festival, Han Qingcheng serves as the secretary general, and Cao Shui serves as the executive deputy secretary general. It was held five times from 2018 to 2022. The Boao International Poetry Award and the International Micro Poetry Competition Award are presented at each session, the most important of which is the Boao International Poetry Award. At present, the poets of the World Poetry Movement who have won awards through Cao Shui’s translation or recommendation include: the first session: Chinese poet Jidi Majia, Türkiye poet Levent Karatas; The second session: Türkiye poet Nurduran Duman, Colombian poet Gabriel Jaime Franco, Mexican poet Andrea Rivas; The third session: Colombian poet Fernando Rendon, Chilean poet Roberto Aedo, Italian poet Laura Bellotti, German poet Jonas Linnebank; The 4th session: Russian poet Vadim Terekhin, Swiss poet Lucilla Trapazzo, Canadian poet Jonathan Mulcahy, Cuban poet Yasef Ananda, Italian poet Stefano Cortese, and Chinese American poet Jinjin Xu; The fifth session: American poet George Wallace, Vietnamese poet Mai Van Phan, Indian poet Rati Saxena, Swedish poet Anisur Rahman, American sinologist Jami Proctor Xu, Colombian poet Carlos Andres Jaramillo.
The Silk Road International Poetry Festival and the Silk Road International Poetry Spring Festival Gala are both held by the Silk Road International Federation. The Silk Road International Poetry Festival has been held for three times from 2018 to 2022, with Fernando Rendon as the consultant, Fang Wen as the chairman, and Cao Shui as the executive vice chairman. The Silk Road International Poetry Award is awarded at each session. Since the third session, Cao Shui has recommended the winning poets, such as Colombian poet Fernando Rendon, Russian poet Vadim Terekhin, Türkiye poet Nurduran Duman, Türkiye poet Levent Karatas, Italian poet Vinicio Cescati Croatian poet Dinko Telecan, Mexican poet Gustavo Osorio, and Chilean poet Roberto Aedo.
The first Silk Road International Poetry Festival Gala was held in 2023, with Fernando Rendon, Jidi Majia and Sue Zhu as consultants, and Fang Wen and Cao Shui as chief planners. More than 20 national poets from the World Poetry Movement, including Fernando Rendon, Francis Combes, Vadim Terekhin, were invited to participate.

2.Poetry Magazines And Websites

The publications coordinated by Cao Shui in the World Poetry Movement include World Poetry, Global Poets, World Poetry Circles, International Poets, International Poetry, Great Poetry, Literary Perspectives, World Poetry Network, The Tower of Babel of Cao Shui, etc.
World Poetry is in both Chinese and English, with Yu Nong as the president, Han Qingcheng as the editor in chief, Wang Guilin and Mu Ye as the deputy editors, and Cao Shui as the English deputy editor. From its inception in 2021 to the end of 2022, eight issues were published. Each issue was composed of members of the World Poetry Movement as cover poets, and the published works were also mainly members of the World Poetry Movement. The cover characters from the first issue to the eighth issue are: Australian poet Philip Salon, Colombian poet Fernando Rendon, American poet George Wallace, American poet Charles Simic, Nigerian poet Niyi Osundare, Ukrainian poet Boris Hersonski, Irish poet Desmond Egan and Swedish poet Kjell Espmark. The magazine published the works of hundreds of poets in the World Poetry Movement. The World Poetry Network is also in charge of the Boao International Poetry Festival, with the chief editor Han Qingcheng and the deputy chief editor Cao Shui and Mu Ye.
Fang Wen is the editor-in-chief of Global Poets, and Cao Shui is the editor-in-chief of English. Each issue of Global Poet also has members of the World Poetry Movement as cover characters, reporting major news of the World Poetry Movement. The cover poets include Colombian poet Fernando Rendon, Russian poet Vadim Terekhin and French poet Francis Combes.
Han Linzi is the editor-in-chief of World Poetry Circles, Sue Zhu is the deputy editor-in-chief, and Cao Shui is the English deputy editor-in-chief. Members of the World Poetry Movement are the cover poets of each issue. The cover characters include Colombian poet Fernando Rendon, American poet George Wallace, and American poet Sona Van.
International Poets and International Poetry have just been published. The chief editor of International Poets is Fo Fenghuang, the deputy chief editor is Cao Shui, the chief editor of International Poetry is Wen Gu, and the deputy chief editor is Cao Shui. Poets of the World Poetry Movement will be recommended in publications, including Colombian poet Fernando Rendon, Russian poet Vadim Terekhin, Türkiye poet Nurduran Duman, etc.
The Great Poetry and Literary Perspective are the publications of the Great Poetry Movement. The chief editor is Cao Shui, and the executive chief editor is Peng Shujin,and the editorial board: Long Yin, Yue Jian, Zhuang Ling, Ye Mo, Shen Xue, Ying Zi, Bei Shan, Mo Chen, Lei Xiaoming, Guo Liangzhong. They introduce all the activities of the World Poetry Movement through the internet and paper. The poetry schools supporting the World Poetry Movement include the Great Poetry Movement and The 18th Army for Poetry War. Cao Shui’s official account The Tower of Babel of Cao Shui systematically introduced the poets of the World Poetry Movement translated by Cao Shui.

3.Publishing And Translation

Cao Shui translated the poetry collection Steps of Istanbul by the Turkish poet Nurduran Duman in 2018, which was published in The Herald Publisher Proprietary Limited in Chinese, English and Turkish. The English translators were British translators Andrew Wessels&Grace Wessels, and won the Boao International Poetry Award, Cao Shui and Nurduran Duman jointly received the award and held the premiere at the first Boao International Poetry Festival.
Later, Cao Shui translated the poetry collection Songs of Dream Land by Colombian poet Fernando Rendon, and the poetry collection Golden Bird in the Sun by Russian poet Vadim Terekhin, which will be published by Beiyue Literature and Art Publishing House in the near future.
Cao Shui is translating poetry collections including American Flyer by the American poet George Wallace, Common Cause by the French poet Francis Combes, and the new edition of the Song of Istanbul by Nurturan Duman, which is planned to be published by Beiyue Literature and Art Publishing House.
During the communication with poets of the World Poetry Movement, Cao Shui translated the poems and speeches of about 100 poets successively, edited the poetry anthology “The Horn of Metatron” and the speech collection “The Sound of the Oars in Jerusalem”, and published them at the appropriate time.

4.Readings And Activities In Response To The Initiative Of WPM

Cao Shui responded to the activities initiated by the World Poetry Movement from 2019.
In 2019, in response to the “Poetry For a World Without Walls” initiative of the World Poetry Movement, two “Recitation of Poetry For a World Without Walls” were held in Hefei and Haikou respectively.
In 2020, in response to the “Poetry is the Path to Peace” initiative of the World Poetry Movement, the “Recitation of World Peace” was held at the Boao International Festival.
In 2021, in response to the “Worldwide Tribute to Jack Hirschman” initiative of the World Poetry Movement, the online “Solicitation of Poetry for Worldwide Tribute to Jack Hirschman” activity was held.
In 2022, in response to the “Earth is Our Home” initiative of the World Poetry Movement, “The Great Poetry Of Destiny And The Great Wall Of Peace Of Earth Is Our Home” was held by “The Great Poetry”. Later, the works of global poets made an album in “Global Poets” magazine, The cover poet is French poet Francis Combes.
In 2022, in response to the World Poetry Movement France’s “World Chain Of Peace For Peace” And “Before It’s Too Late or Global Initiative Against The Third World War”, Cao Shui organized Chinese poets to write poems and sign the initiative for support.

5.Suggeste To Add Coordinators In The Major Poetry Countries

The World Poetry Movement has made great contributions to promoting the development of poetry around the world. However, because there are about 200 countries in the world, each country has its own native culture and national boundaries, and the development of countries in the world is also uneven. Some large countries have many poets, and some small countries have few poets, so it should be established according to actual needs. In China, there may be millions of poets, big and small. It is suggested to set up a standing coordinator and several other coordinators to facilitate the work.

As stated in the Manifest of the World Poetry Movement, “a powerful voice generated by the burning of positive spirit, expressed through the voice of hundreds of millions of human beings, can prevent degeneration and restore the natural law of survival of our human species. In the new human society, let us fly towards a new, beautiful, noble, dignified and democratic life.” Cao Shui hopes to continue to promote the spread of the World Poetry Movement in China and the world.

(Note: This is Cao Shui’s report to the World Poetry Congress of the World Poetry Movement. The World Poetry Movement was founded at the Medellin International Poetry Festival in 2011. Mr. Jidi Majia, the coordinator of China, has done a lot of work. Mr. Jidi Majia summarized and submitted it to Ms. Sue Zhu. Here is just the summary of Cao Shui’s work since 2017.)

2023.2.8 in Beijing, China


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