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奥克兰南部高速公路卡车起火:爆炸,居民疏散 Auckland Southern Motorway truck fire: Explosions, residents evacuated
急诊科压力重重:救护人员被叫来帮忙,病床挤进医院咖啡馆 Emergency departments under pressure: Ambulance staff called in to help, patient beds overflow into hospital cafe

Northland Fritter Festival 展示最好的音乐、美食和美酒 Northland Fritter Festival showcases the best of music, food and booze
Rob Campbell 被解雇:Ashley Bloomfield 爵士说政治中立是一个关键原则
Rob Campbell sacking: Sir Ashley Bloomfield says political neutrality is a key principle
丰盛湾医生发起请愿,呼吁在更年期治疗中提供更多雌激素选择 Bay of Plenty doctor heads petition calling for more estrogen options in menopause treatment


Alpilean 是一种纯天然减肥补充剂,旨在帮助个人自然减肥。试一下 Alpilean 

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