(即时多来源) 中英中国要闻 Chinese/English China News



Musk meets senior Chinese trade officials in Beijing

Tesla has fallen behind domestic electric vehicle rivals such as BYD in word’s largest car market

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China factory profits slip as overcapacity troubles economic recovery

US and EU have raised alarms about Beijing’s plans to use manufacturing to boost lagging growth

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“宁台共影” 两岸青年透过镜头感受美丽南京

  中新网南京4月28日电 (张传明 周勇)《繁茂创业树》《两岸同心关爱喜憨儿》《井然有序》《俯瞰阅江楼》……近日,银杏湖杯“遇见南京·宁台共影”摄影展在南京台湾青年创业学院展出,30多位在南京创业就业的两岸青年观看展览。

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  中新网4月28日电(记者 陈溯)国务院参事、中国科学院院士、北京大学教授朱彤28日在2024中关村论坛年会平行论坛——“创新驱动助力绿色发展“论坛上表示,多种人体健康损害与空气污染暴露相关。世界卫生组织于2021年加严了空气质量指导值,为各国持续改善空气质量、更大程度保护公众健康提出了挑战。同时,“双碳”目标为中国环境保护工作提出了更高目标和更严要求。如何协同空气污染改善和气候变化目标、措施与政策,科学制定持续改善空气质量的新目标,更有效保护公众健康,已经受到社会广泛关注。中国应尽早将修订环境空气质量标准纳入日程,推动减碳减污协同,为新能源等绿色技术的创新和应用提供更广阔的空间,助力“双碳“目标的如期实现。

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  中新网4月28日电 据中央纪委国家监委网站消息,4月28日,中央纪委国家监委公布了2024年3月全国查处违反中央八项规定精神问题汇总情况。当月,全国共查处违反中央八项规定精神问题7859起,批评教育和处理10855人,其中党纪政务处分7450人,这是连续第127个月公布月报数据。

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“人在台湾 跨海办事” 福建新一批惠台措施发布


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台商海峡两岸产业投资基金已投资5个项目 总金额1.2亿元

  中新社福州4月28日电 (记者 闫旭 龙敏)首只大陆台商共同参与的台商海峡两岸产业投资基金,现已投资厦门海辰储能、上海迪赛诺医药、宜宾锂宝新材料等5个项目,总金额1.2亿元(人民币,下同)。

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  中新网4月28日电 据国家医保局网站消息,国家组织药品联合采购办公室28日发布关于国家组织药品集采部分价格异常品种投标企业约谈情况的公告。

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  黄河新闻网讯(记者侯津刚 孙宇佳)4月22日至26日,由中央网信办网络社会工作局、山西省委网信办共同主办的“中国式现代化的万千气象”——网络名人山西行活动成功举办。

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  中新社北京4月28日电 交通运输部、民航局28日宣布通过两会协议既有联系渠道促请台方恢复两岸海上客运直航和扩大恢复两岸空中客运直航大陆航点。国务院台办发言人朱凤莲当天对此作出回应。

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  中新社北京4月28日电 (记者 阮煜琳)中国海警局新闻发言人刘德军28日在北京举行的新闻发布会上表示,2023年,海警局全面打好碧海保卫战,紧盯非法盗采海砂等重难点问题,查获涉海砂案件98起,查扣涉案船舶95艘、海砂45.2万吨,重点海域的非法盗采海砂多发势头得到遏制。

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2024“全国科技工作者日”主题确定 中国科学家博物馆将首展开放

  中新网北京4月28日电(记者 孙自法)中国科协、科技部4月28日联合发布《关于开展2024年“全国科技工作者日”活动的通知》称,今年5月30日是第八个“全国科技工作者日”活动主题已确定为“弘扬科学家精神,勇当高水平科技自立自强排头兵”,作为主要活动之一,将举办中国科学家博物馆首展,面向科技工作者和社会公众开放。

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  中新网4月28日电 据贵州省黔南布依族苗族自治州中级人民法院官方微信消息,4月28日,贵州省黔南布依族苗族自治州中级人民法院一审公开开庭审理了贵州省公安厅原党委委员、省纪委省监委派驻纪检监察组原组长陈罡受贿、洗钱、非法持有枪支、弹药一案。

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  中新社北京4月28日电 (记者 阮煜琳)中国生态环境部海洋生态环境司副司长张志锋28日在北京对记者表示,2023年全国海洋生态环境继续保持改善趋势,近岸海域水质优良面积比例为85.0%,实现自2018年以来的“六连增”。

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  中新社福州4月28日电 (记者 闫旭 龙敏)福州市副市长赵明正28日表示,福州将重点从硬件设施、软件配套、产业融合等三个方面发力,建设福(州)马(祖)“同城生活圈”。

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  中新网4月28日电 据西安市纪委监委网站消息,五一、端午将至,为持续加固中央八项规定堤坝,确保节日期间风清气正,西安市纪委监委现将5起违反中央八项规定精神典型问题通报如下。

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  中新网4月28日电 据中国红十字会网站消息,4月3日,台湾花莲海域发生7.3级地震,造成当地部分民众居住困难。为支持花莲县开展救助工作,中国红十字会愿向台湾红十字组织捐赠一批活动板房,用于花莲灾区民众的人道救助,首批将发送100套。

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  中新网4月28日电 国务院台办发言人朱凤莲28日应询表示,希望台湾方面充分考虑两岸民众及航运企业的诉求,尽快全面恢复包括平潭-台北、平潭-台中、厦门-台中、厦门-基隆、浙江大麦屿-基隆航线在内的两岸海上客运直航,恢复开通天津等30个大陆航点与台湾空中客运直航。

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中国航天员乘组完成在轨交接 神舟十七号乘组将于4月30日返回地球

   中新网北京4月28日电 (记者 马帅莎)据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,北京时间2024年4月28日,神舟十七号、神舟十八号航天员乘组在轨举行交接仪式,两个乘组移交了中国空间站的钥匙。

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福建研制发布181项两岸共通标准 5位台专家加入省级专业标委会

  中新网福州4月28日电 (记者 闫旭 龙敏)福建省市场监督管理局副局长刘先义28日表示,福建省市场监督管理局在机械制造业、现代服务业、农林渔业等31个领域开展了38项两岸标准共通试点,构建相关标准体系18个,累计研制发布181项两岸共通标准,其中119项为新增标准,在多个行业领域取得了突破。

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同心共筑梦 两岸青年走进福建平和交流互动

  中新网漳州4月28日电 (林思婷 陈子扬)参观闽台乡建乡创合作项目,走进台青创业基地,举行交流座谈……27日,“同心共筑梦青春向前行”两岸青年互动交流活动在福建漳州平和县举行,台湾青年和大陆青年齐聚交流、畅谈感受、分享经历、增进情谊。

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Multiple Chinese companies report worsening EU business environment

About 33 percent of Chinese companies surveyed reported a deterioration in the business environment within the European Union in 2023, according to a report released by China's top foreign trade and investment promotion agency on Sunday.

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Asia's first FPSO facility delivered in E China

China's self developed cylindrical floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) facility, Haikui 1, was delivered in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province on Friday, marking a major breakthrough in the country's deepwater oil and gas equipment development.

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Chinese regulators warn against SVB-style meltdown

Regional banks have been piling into long-dated sovereign bonds since January

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  中新网4月28日电 据黑龙江省纪委监委网站消息,为常态长效深化落实中央八项规定精神,持续强化警示震慑,坚决刹住违规吃喝歪风,确保节日期间风清气正,黑龙江省纪委监委现将6起违规吃喝典型问题通报如下。

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  中新网4月28日电 据山西省纪委监委网站消息,2024年五一、端午将至,为持续释放一严到底抓作风的强烈信号,营造风清气正的节日氛围,山西省纪委监委公开通报4起违反中央八项规定精神问题典型案例,具体如下:

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  中新社银川4月28日电 (记者 李佩珊)4月21日至28日,来自伊拉克农业部、规划部、水资源部等有关部门的34名官员组成的伊拉克气候变化和农业可持续发展研修班成员来到宁夏研修考察,了解中国发展低碳、智慧和绿色农业方面技术,并与中方政府官员、农业专家、技术人员和企业家交流。

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  中新网4月28日电 据四川省纪委监委网站消息,日前,经四川省委批准,省纪委监委对绵阳市政府原党组成员、副市长刘海昌严重违纪违法问题进行了立案审查调查。

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Immigration authorities extend Chinese mainland residents' business travel in Hong Kong, Macao to 14 days

China's immigration authorities announced that, starting from May 6, Chinese mainland residents who travel to Hong Kong and Macao on business trips will be able to stay for up to 14 days per visit, a significant increase from the previous limit of seven days.

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Over 70% of foreign-invested companies optimistic of Chinese market opportunities

More than 70 percent of surveyed foreign-invested companies in China are optimistic of the growth in Chinese market in the coming five years, up 3.8 percentage points from the previous survey.

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Chinese mainland to resume grapefruit import from Taiwan island

The General Administration of Customs (GAC) will approve the import of grapefruit and other agricultural and fishery products from the island of Taiwan that meet the quarantine requirements of the Chinese mainland, an official of GAC said on Sunday.

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Shanghai ±500 kV Nanqiao Converter Station completes first comprehensive examination of its 'Chinese Heart'

Recently, the State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company (SMEPC) has successfully completed its annual maintenance work for the ±500kV Nanqiao converter station.

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China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe ready to launch

The Chang'e-6 lunar probe is scheduled for launch at an appropriate time at the beginning of May. The functional checks, the joint test work and the propellant filling will be carried out before the launch.

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International Horticultural Exhibition 2024 Chengdu opens to visitors

The International Horticultural Exhibition 2024 Chengdu opened on Friday.

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Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge receives over 10 mln vehicles

The Zhuhai port of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge handled 19,570 vehicles on Saturday.

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Olympic flame handover ceremony marks transition from Greece to Paris 2024

The ceremony marks the culmination of an 11-day Olympic Torch Relay across Greece and begins an epic three-month torch relay and countdown to the Opening Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

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(W.E. Talk) Translation and Other Approaches to Promote Cultural Exchange

Martin Woesler has translated several major Chinese authors' work into German. They range from Lu Xun, Zhu Ziqing, Ba Jin, Qian Zhongshu, Wang Meng and Jia Pingwa to Han Han. Here, he talks about the importance of contemporary Chinese literature in understanding China.

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New steps to boost cross-Strait tourism

The Chinese mainland announces new tourism measures across the Taiwan Strait, with Fujian residents' tours to Matsu resuming first.

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Tornado kills five people, injures 33 in Guangzhou

At least five people were killed and 33 others injured when a tornado struck Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, on Saturday.

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Chinese company unveils humanoid running robot with large-scale commercial potential

Tiangong, a humanoid robot described as the world's first full-sized humanoid robot capable of running solely on electric drive, was unveiled in the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area on Saturday.

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China boosts 6G progress by accelerating R&D for key technologies

Chinese officials and scholars vowed to promote the development and commercialization of 6G technology, with the nation's telecommunication achievements providing strong foundations.

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China's industrial firms see smaller gains in profits in Q1

Profits at China's industrial firms posted smaller gains for the first quarter compared with the first two months of the year, official data showed on Saturday.

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Mainland to send support to earthquake-affected areas of Taiwan

The Chinese mainland will donate prefabricated houses to the earthquake-stricken area in Hualien, Taiwan, said Zhu Fenglian, a spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, on Saturday.

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Chinese jets fly sorties over Taiwan strait in show of force as US delegation departs

End of secretary of state Antony Blinken’s three-day visit marks upsurge in military activity after period of relative calm

Taiwan has reported that a dozen Chinese warplanes flew sorties close to the island on Saturday, in a sudden surge of military activity just hours after the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, left Beijing following talks with President Xi Jinping and top Chinese officials.

Before Blinken’s three-day visit to China, US officials had pointed to a period of relative calm in the Taiwan strait over the past few months, after years of aggressive Chinese military manoeuvres and threats, as a factor in improving US-Chinese relations since Joe Biden held a summit meeting with Xi in November.

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The end of empire: revamped British Academy stakes claim for modern role in UK’s global mission

Rana Mitter, vice president for public engagement, keen to move on from colonial guilt and post-Brexit introspection

Britain’s most revered academic institutions ought to stop worrying about their outdated image, since they now offer the best route to global influence, according to British historian Professor Rana Mitter. The renowned China expert, now based at Harvard’s Kennedy School, told the Observer that educational prestige is an increasingly important tool for tackling challenges to trust and fresh threats to the world order – and he wants a newly revamped British Academy in London, where he is vice-president for public engagement, to play a key role.

“Outside our concerns with Brexit and decolonisation, the wider world has moved on and it still wants Britain to play a big part.

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Hong Kong stock exchange fights to regain investors’ faith

New team faces steep challenge as high-profile listings sink

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Comicomment: 'Overcapacity' accusation, another example of economic bullying

Some Western countries have lately accused China of "overcapacity." The " overcapacity rhetoric" seems to be an economic concept, but behind it is the intention to curb and suppress China's industrial development, and to seek a more favorable competitive position and market advantage for the United States. It is another example of U.S. economic coercion and bullying, aligning with its broader hegemonic ambitions.

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Hungary opens up to Chinese tech despite protests

Hungary is attempting to be a world power in manufacturing electric vehicle batteries, despite locals' reservations.

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China plans mission to bring Martian soil to Earth

China is likely to become the first country to bring Martian soil back to Earth in an ambitious science and engineering endeavor, according to a top space scientist.

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Mutual progress key for relationship

President Xi Jinping has urged the United States to look at China's development positively and refrain from creating small blocs to instigate confrontation.

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Digital payment services in Hong Kong expanded

The International Horticultural Exhibition 2024 Chengdu kicked off on Friday in Chengdu, Sichuan province, bringing the beauty and wonder of plants and flowers to millions.

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Data security in focus for safe AI use

As generative artificial intelligence technology is expected to be quickly applied to various industries, greater efforts are required to ensure the safe and responsible use of AI.

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China, U.S. launching new 10-year giant panda conservation partnership

The China Wildlife Conservation Association and the San Diego Zoo in the U.S. have recently signed an agreement for giant panda conservation, selecting a pair of giant pandas to be sent to the San Diego Zoo.

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NEVs give the lie to 'overcapacity'

The last time Tan Siyuan, 24, a freelance business manager who also assists in his family business of industrial equipment in Shanghai, found himself lining up for hours was to lay his hands on the then latest iPhone X model.

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New law protects academic integrity

Chinese lawmakers on Friday voted to adopt a law on academic degrees, aiming to ensure their quality and standardize the process of conferment, while protecting the legitimate rights of degree applicants.

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Customs duties crucial for openness

The implementation of the law on customs duties is crucial for advancing high-level international openness, and fostering a market-driven and globally oriented business environment in China, said the country's top legislature.

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Chinese foreign minister receives written interview with Al Jazeera Media Network

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is also member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, received a written interview with Al Jazeera Media Network recently.

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BHP’s move for Anglo signals fierce battle for resources vital to green transition

Also in this newsletter: US inflation higher than expected, panic on Wall Street, science round-up

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US has seen evidence of attempts by China to influence election, says Blinken

Secretary of state met Xi Jinping in Beijing and warned of sanctions over China’s support for Russian arms industry

Washington has seen evidence of attempts by Beijing to “influence and arguably interfere” in this year’s US elections, the secretary of state has said during a trip to China, also warning that Chinese companies face new sanctions if they do not stop supplying material and equipment to the Russian arms industry.

Antony Blinken told CNN that he had reiterated Joe Biden’s message to Xi Jinping not to interfere in November’s vote – a warning that reportedly received assurances from the Chinese president that he would not do so. Asked whether China was keeping to its promise, Blinken said: “We have seen, generally speaking, evidence of attempts to influence, and arguably interfere, and we want to make sure that that’s cut off as quickly as possible.

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Blinken says China helping fuel Russian threat to Ukraine

The US Secretary of State was speaking to the BBC at the end of a three-day trip to China.

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Xi tells Blinken US should avoid ‘vicious competition’ with China

Secretary of state’s trip to Beijing comes as tensions remain over Taiwan, war in Ukraine and tech export controls

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Tesla among electric carmakers forced to cut prices as market stalls

EV sales have plateaued across the world but the newfound glut of vehicles may just be temporary

Elon Musk became the world’s richest man by evangelising about electric cars – and delivering them by the million. Yet in recent months his company, Tesla, has struggled to maintain its momentum: sales have dropped this year, and so has its share price.

Those struggles have become emblematic of a broader reckoning facing the electric vehicle (EV) industry. After the soaring demand and valuations of the coronavirus pandemic years, the pace of sales growth has slowed. The industry has entered a new phase, with questions over whether the switch from petrol and diesel to cleaner electric is facing a troublesome stall or a temporary speed bump.

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Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday afternoon.

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China Anti-Doping Agency releases statement following WADAl's launch of compliance audit

China Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA) issued a statement on Friday, following the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)'s launch of a compliance audit on Thursday.

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TikTok will not be sold, Chinese parent tells US

The video sharing app faces being banned in the US unless it severs ties with its China's ByteDance.

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China hopes U.S. can view China's development in positive light: Xi

Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Friday that China is happy to see a confident, open, prosperous and thriving United States, and hopes the United States can also look at China's development in a positive light.

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Scholar: U.S. claims of 'China's overcapacity' baseless

Recent U.S. claims of “China's overcapacity” in the solar, electric vehicles (EVs), and lithium-ion battery sectors are baseless, an expert said in an interview with China News Network.

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Pandabuy: police raid ‘20 football stadiums’ worth of alleged fake goods warehouses

Arrests as Chinese authorities working with UK police and international trademark agencies seize millions of parcels bound for customers worldwide

Chinese authorities have targeted a major online sales platform accused of supplying counterfeit goods, raiding warehouses holding millions of packages destined for overseas buyers.

Earlier this month police raided the Hangzhou office and several warehouses of Pandabuy after reported legal action by 16 brands over copyright infringement. More than 200 public security branch officers, 50 private sector investigators and local police were involved, according to reports.

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China hopes U.S. can view China's development in positive light: Xi

Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Friday that China is happy to see a confident, open, prosperous and thriving United States, and hopes the United States can also look at China's development in a positive light.

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China, U.S. must decide the future path of ties, Wang tells Blinken

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday that China and the United States are facing a major question of whether pursuing the stable development of bilateral ties on a forward-looking path or repeating the downward spiral.

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China's gold consumption rises 5.94% in Q1

China's gold consumption rose 5.94 percent in the first quarter of 2024 from a year earlier, thanks to surging demand for safe havens, China Gold Association said on Friday.

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Xi meets U.S. secretary of state

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Beijing on Friday.

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Xi exchanges congratulations with Tanzanian President Hassan over 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday exchanged congratulations with Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan over the 60th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties.

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The mysterious disappearance of a Chinese academic

What became of famed Uyghur academic Rahile Dawut?

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Travel to and from China rise during the May Day holiday

The daily average number of entries and exits at national ports during this year's May Day holiday, which falls from May 1 to May 5, is expected to reach 1.76 million, a 40.5 percent increase compared to the same period last year.

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Mt. Qomolangma welcomes advanced 5G network

China Mobile launched its first 5G-A (5G Advanced) station on Mount Qomolangma, providing stronger support for tourism, mountaineering, scientific research and environment protection in the area, according to the company in southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region on Wednesday.

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Water burst kills three, injures 2 in Jiangxi

Three people were killed and two others injured in an accident on Wednesday at Longxin Mining Co in Yudu county, East China's Jiangxi province, said local authorities late on Thursday.

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Chinese FM meets Blinken

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday in Beijing.

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China likely to become 1st to bring Martian soil back to Earth

China likely to become 1st to bring Martian soil back to Earth in Tianwen 3 science and engineering endeavor, top space scientist said.

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U.S. household food insecurity a symptom of systemic social inequality: Australian expert

This data is symptomatic of a social settlement that is not meeting the basic expectations of a large proportion of people. The effects are multifarious, including spillover into the global sphere where domestic imbalances play out in attacks on other countries’ trade relations and productive capacities, according to Wariwick Powell.

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World's first cable-stayed bridge in alpine canyon landscape

The 1,260-meter-long bridge is the world's first alpine canyon landscape cable-stayed bridge with sightseeing glass walkway and panoramic sightseeing elevator.

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China successfully launches Shenzhou-18 crewed spaceship

Shenzhou-18 is the 32nd flight mission of China's manned space program, the third crewed mission during the application and development stage of China's space station and the 518th flight mission of China's Long March series rockets.

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Four swivel bridges rotate into place in Sichuan

The 76,000-metric ton bridges were successfully rotated to their targeted position after 66 minutes on Thursday.

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Blooming flowers decorate Sayram Lake in Xinjiang

Blooming flowers along the shore of the Sayram Lake, adding colors to the alpine lake in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

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China-Spain giant panda cooperation contributes to biodiversity conservation: spokesperson

Two giant pandas, Jin Xi and Zhu Yu, will depart from the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Sichuan Province on April 29 to begin their 10-year stay at Madrid Zoo in Spain, continuing the 40-year “panda friendship” between the two countries, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Thursday.

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Chinese Defense Minister holds talks with Kazakhstan president

Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun met with Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in Astana on Thursday.

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Biden's proposed tariffs on Chinese steel criticized

U.S. President Joe Biden has proposed tripling tariffs on steel products from China, a further protectionist move that experts called a "nothingburger" and "show biz".

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High starting salaries bring cheer for job hunters

Finance related jobs were the most sought after in the first quarter of the year thanks to the hefty salaries on offer, while the services sector witnessed a huge jump in starting pay during the same period.

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'Supply chain diplomacy' suggested for U.S., China

The interconnected supply chains between the United States and China have contributed significantly to reducing inflation, and it's time to collaborate transparently on shaping future supply chains, said experts at a seminar.

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Procuratorates to strengthen IP protection

Procuratorial authorities will strengthen the legal protection of intellectual property rights and promote the construction of an integrated protection framework for intellectual property.

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Ministry, experts decry EU's subsidy raid on Chinese firm

The European Union's protectionist measures against Chinese companies may not only jeopardize bilateral business ties but also prove counterproductive, analysts said on Thursday.

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China firmly opposes groundless 'overcapacity' hype by some Western countries: MOFCOM

China firmly opposes the groundless "overcapacity" hype by some Western countries and urges relevant countries to objectively and comprehensively look at global demand for new energy and China's new-energy development.

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Construction of Hungary-Serbia Railway makes fresh progress

Track laying work for a 108-kilometer-long section of the Hungary-Serbia Railway between Novi Sad and Subotica was completed on Thursday.

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Global car producers in launch fever for NEV models at Beijing auto show

After a four-year absence of its offline show, China's largest auto show, or 2024 Beijing International Automotive Exhibition, which kicked off in Beijing on Thursday, has regained global attention.

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Fukushima's latest power outage sparks international concern

The latest power outage at Fukushima again highlights the mismanagement of the plant operator and the irresponsible disregard of both domestic and international concerns by the Japanese government.

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Shanghai Party chief meets Blinken

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, before landing in Beijing on Thursday, met with local officials in Shanghai, where he acknowledged the obligation to manage the China-U.S. relationship responsibly.

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Chinese Embassy condemns UK politician’s anti-China remarks

China strongly condemned unwarranted accusations and malicious slander against China, and urged British politicians to stop their belligerent rhetoric, and instead, focus more on domestic economic and social issues.

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Pandas headed for Madrid in sign of bilateral friendship

Two giant pandas, in what is seen as the epitome of the friendship between China and Spain, are scheduled to depart for Madrid Zoo in Spain on Monday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said.

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The real issue is not overcapacity but competitiveness

French entrepreneur Arnaud Bertrand wrote recently on his social media X account that there is no sign of industrial overcapacity in China.

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Shenzhou XVIII astronauts enter space station

The Shenzhou XVIII manned spaceship's three astronauts successfully entered China's space station early on Friday.

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Shenzhou XVIII successfully launched

A Long March 2F rocket carrying the Shenzhou XVIII spacecraft with three astronauts aboard blasted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China at 8:59 pm on Thursday.

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Xi urges effort to build world-class military medical universities

President Xi Jinping has emphasized the importance of taking into account the battlefield, the troops and the future in order to build world-class military medical universities, as the nation elevates the people's armed forces to world-class standards.

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US wants allies to cut chip-related China exports amid Huawei alarm

Washington urges Japan, South Korea and the Netherlands to tighten supply of tools and technology

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Bristol Myers Squibb drafts contingency plans for US restrictions on Chinese pharma

Biosecure Act would prohibit American companies receiving federal grant money from working with some Chinese groups

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How TikTok’s Chinese owner tightened its grip on the app

Insiders say ByteDance exerting increasing influence over platform despite US pressure over ownership

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Dodgy data: what not to trust

Doubts over the credibility of economic and corporate statistics

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China warns Blinken US must choose between ‘co-operation or confrontation’

Secretary of state expected to demand Beijing cease support for Russia’s war in Ukraine

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Closer militarily between U.S. and Taiwan will eventually backfire: spokesperson

It will only heighten tensions and the risk of conflict and confrontation in the Taiwan Strait and will eventually backfire.

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Chinese government releases IP progress in 2023

The progress China made in intellectual property (IP) in 2023 was released at a press conference of the State Council Information Office on Wednesday.

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World's largest metamorphic rock oilfield begins drilling

Bozhong 26-6 in Bohai Sea, the largest metamorphic rock oilfield worldwide, began drilling on Wednesday, according to China National Offshore Oil Corporation.

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How China’s Nuctech earned EU funds before being hit by EU raids

Also in this newsletter: Waiting for Emmanuel Macron’s words of wisdom

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Blinken arrives in China as relations crackle with tension

Blinken's trip is a sign of improved US-China ties, but the two still view each other with suspicion.

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A message to economists: geopolitics matters too

Western policymakers ignore changing global power relations at their peril

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What new US aid means for Ukraine

Pentagon rushes $1bn in weapons to Kyiv after Biden signs aid bill

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China to launch 3 lunar probe missions within next 4 yrs

China has begun planning the construction of the world's first Mars sample laboratory and is also deepening the feasibility study of the Tianwen-4 mission, aiming for the exploration of Jupiter and its moons.

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Chinese FM spokesperson refutes western accusation of 'overcapacity'

Chinese FM spokesperson refutes western accusation of 'overcapacity'

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Giant pandas depart for Spain on Monday

Giant pandas Jin Xi and Zhu Yu are scheduled to depart for Madrid Zoo in Spain on Monday, commencing a 10-year stay, as announced by the China Wildlife Conservation Association on Wednesday.

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Congress passed a TikTok bill. Will the US really ban the app?

A bill passed by Congress and signed by Biden requires owner ByteDance to sell or face a US ban – it’s its biggest threat yet

The House of Representatives passed a bill that would require TikTok owner ByteDance to sell the social media platform or face a total ban in the United States. The Senate passed it less than a week later. Joe Biden signed it a day after the Senate voted yes.

TikTok is facing its biggest existential threat yet in the US. The app was banned in Montana last year, but courts found that prohibition unconstitutional, and it never went into effect.

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Biden campaign will continue to use TikTok despite divest-or-ban law

US president’s campaign has posted on Chinese-owned video app in attempt to appeal to younger voters

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Chinese woman charged in UK with criminal possession of crypto

Yadi Zhang made initial appearance at Westminster Magistrates Court on Wednesday

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Why is US threatening to ban TikTok and will other countries follow suit?

Joe Biden signs into law bill requiring Chinese owner to sell app’s US operations

Joe Biden has signed into law a bill that requires TikTok’s Chinese owner to sell the social media app’s US operations or face a ban, after the Senate passed the legislation.

The law, part of a foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, sets the clock ticking on a potential ban for a platform that is hugely popular in the US.

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What’s next for TikTok after Biden approves ban

Video app vows legal battle to prevent effort to separate it from Chinese parent

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US Congress approves bill banning TikTok unless Chinese owner sells platform

Move could lead to obsolescence of video app used by 170mn Americans

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EU conducts ‘dawn raid’ on Chinese security equipment supplier

Separate Brussels probe targets Chinese medical market amid growing trade tensions with Beijing

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AfD politician to run in European elections despite aide’s alleged spying for China

Maximilian Krah will remain German far-right party’s top choice despite accusations against Jian Guo

A far-right German politician has said he will continue to run for the upcoming European parliamentary elections despite allegations that his adviser was spying for the Chinese government.

Maximilian Krah, who is the lead contender for the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party, told journalists in Berlin: “I am and will remain the main candidate” after an emergency meeting with party bosses on Wednesday morning after the allegations came to light.

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The silent army that makes Beijing’s daily life possible

Robot deliveries are becoming a common sight but in a world of apps and automation it's hard-pressed gig workers who ease the friction

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China warns US after Senate passes aid bill worth billions to Taiwan – video

Beijing has warned Washington to stop arming Taiwan after the US Senate approved a bill that includes $8bn for countering China’s actions threatening America's allies in the Indo-Pacific region. The package covers a wide range of parts and services aimed at maintaining and upgrading Taiwan’s military hardware and is meant to counter the threat of invasion by China, which claims the island as its own territory. Separately, Taiwan has signed billions in contracts with the US for the latest-generation F-16V fighter jets, M1 Abrams tanks and the Himars rocket systems, which Washington has also supplied to Ukraine

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China’s search for an answer to ChatGPT is just beginning

At depressed valuations, SenseTime offers a low-risk bet on a potential winner

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UK ‘helping Russia pay for its war on Ukraine’ via loophole on refined oil imports

£2.2bn-worth of oil processed in China, India and Turkey – to whom Russia supplies crude – was imported in 2023, data shows

The UK has been accused of “helping Russia pay for its war on Ukraine” by continuing to import record amounts of refined oil from countries processing Kremlin fossil fuels.

Government data analysed by the environmental news site Desmog shows that imports of refined oil from India, China and Turkey amounted to £2.2bn in 2023, the same record value as the previous year, up from £434.2m in 2021.

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Antony Blinken arrives in China with warning for Beijing over support of Russia

US secretary of state to hold talks with Chinese counterpart and most likely with President Xi Jinping

Antony Blinken has landed in China amid a worsening rift between the world’s two most powerful countries that threatens to overshadow otherwise improving relations.

The US secretary of state arrives with a warning that the US and its European allies are no longer prepared to tolerate China’s sale of weapon components and dual-use products to Russia, which are helping Vladimir Putin rebuild and modernise his arms factories, enabling him to intensify his onslaught on Ukraine.

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TechScape: No WhatsApp in China, no TikTok in the US, and the return of Llama

In this week’s newsletter: While Apple removed the platform from App Stores without a squeak of public protest, its battle with the EU rages on. Plus, how a ban in the US could change TikTok everywhere

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Another day, another set of troubles for Apple’s App Store. This time, the company had bowed to orders from the Chinese state to remove WhatsApp and Threads, two of the last Meta apps still available in the country.

From our story:

Apple confirmed it had withdrawn the two apps – both owned by Meta, also the owner of Facebook – under instruction from the Cyberspace Administration of China, which regulates and censors China’s highly restricted internet and online content.

“The Cyberspace Administration of China ordered the removal of these apps from the China storefront based on their national security concerns,” Apple said in an emailed statement to Reuters. “We are obligated to follow the laws in the countries where we operate, even when we disagree.”

The House of Representatives voted 360 to 58 on the updated divest-or-ban [TikTok] bill that could lead to the first time ever that the US government has passed a law to shut down an entire social media platform.

The Senate is expected to vote on the bill next week and Joe Biden has said he will sign the legislation.

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AfD politician’s aide arrested on suspicion of spying for China

Man worked as assistant to Maximilian Krah, top candidate in European parliament elections, say prosecutors

A close adviser to a leading member of Germany’s far-right populist Alternative für Deutschland party (AfD) has been arrested on suspicion on spying for China in the latest high-profile espionage case to have come to light.

The man, identified by prosecutors as Jian G, was accused of “an especially severe instance” of espionage, prosecutors said, following his arrest in the early hours of Tuesday morning. It comes after the arrests of three German citizens accused of industrial spying for China in return for payment.

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Taiwan debates removing 760 statues of Chinese dictator Chiang Kai-shek

In move seen by the opposition as an attempt to de-sinocise Taiwan, the ruling party is pushing ahead with plans to rid the island of monuments to the dictator

Taiwan’s government has pledged to work faster in response to calls to remove almost 800 statues of Chiang Kai-shek, the Chinese military dictator who ruled the island for decades under martial law, but whose legacy remains a point of contentious debate.

In 2018 the government established a transitional justice committee to investigate the rule of the former generalissimo, who was president of the Republic of China (ROC) – in China and then in Taiwan – until his death in 1975. Among its recommendations was to remove the thousands of statues from public spaces.

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China floods: four killed in Guangdong sparking concerns over extreme weather defences

Heavy rainstorms in the densely populated Pearl River Delta have left large parts of Guangdong province underwater

Heavy rainstorms that swept across southern China over the weekend killed at least four people as floods swamped cities in the densely populated Pearl River Delta, state media reported.

A search was under way for 10 others missing after record-breaking rains sparked concerns about the region’s defences against bigger deluges induced by extreme weather events.

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Booing your own anthem - Hong Kong and a dilemma

Beijing's increasing influence has led to speculation that Hong Kong's days of an independent football scene are numbered.

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Three German citizens arrested on suspicion of spying for China

Prosecutors say trio are accused of passing on technical military knowledge and export of a laser without permissions

Three German citizens, a married couple from Düsseldorf and a man from Bad Homburg, have been arrested on suspicion of spying on behalf of China, prosecutors have said, in the second high-profile alleged espionage case reported in the country in days.

The three are accused of passing on technical military knowhow to Chinese authorities in return for money. The head of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency said it could be “just the tip of the iceberg” of spy rings operating in Germany.

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Two men in UK charged with spying for China

Christopher Berry, 32, and Christopher Cash, 29, accused of providing prejudicial information to a foreign state

A parliamentary researcher who was arrested last year on suspicion of spying for China has been charged along with another man with espionage offences.

Christopher Cash, 29, who had access to parliament through his work for an organisation set up by Conservative MPs, is to appear in court on Friday after he and Christopher Berry, 32, were charged under the Official Secrets Act.

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Tens of thousands evacuated from massive China floods

Three die as rain-swollen rivers burst their banks in Guangdong, China's most populous province.

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Southern China is inundated by floods – video report

Floods have swamped a number of cities in the densely populated Pearl River delta after record-breaking rains. Precipitation records for April have already been broken in many parts of Guangdong, leaving large areas of the province underwater. State media have released footage showing rescue and cleanup operations under way. Further footage shows a car getting swept away by rushing water and a bridge in Guangdong province collapsing

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Beijing warns against flexing of ‘gunboat muscles’ as US and Philippines begin military drills

The annual Balikatan, or ‘shoulder-to-shoulder’ drills will for the first time take place outside of the Philippines’ territorial waters

A Chinese military official has warned against countries flexing “gunboat muscles”, as the Philippines and US begin three weeks of unprecedented joint drills in the South China Sea.

The annual Balikatan, or “shoulder-to-shoulder” drills, began on Monday and will run until 10 May. For the first time the exercises will be held beyond the Philippines’ territorial waters – 12 nautical miles offshore – and will involve the Philippines coast guard (PCG) in an active role. They will also involve other countries in secondary or observer roles, including Australia and France.

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Pro-China party wins landslide victory in Maldives parliamentary elections

Voters back President Mohamed Muizzu’s tilt towards China and away from traditional ally India

Maldives voters have backed President Mohamed Muizzu’s tilt towards China and away from traditional benefactor India, with his party winning control of parliament in an election landslide.

Muizzu’s People’s National Congress (PNC) won 66 of the first 86 seats declared, according to the Elections Commission of Maldives, already more than enough for a super-majority in the 93-member parliament.

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Why a deluge of Chinese-made drugs is hard to curb

Thousands of Chinese companies are making synthetic opioids and shipping them around the world.

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The West says China makes too much. Its workers disagree

Migrants are caught in China's manufacturing battles with the West, as Beijing tries to save its economy.

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China influencer's pages shut down over fake story

Thurman Maoyibei's accounts have vanished after it was found that she fabricated a viral video.

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China will have 300 million pensioners. Can it afford them?

The country is running out of time to build enough of a fund to care for its growing number of elderly.

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Swiss business leader upbeat on China's market for foreign brands at CICPE

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